Raid content


Dalayan Elder
Hey, I just discovered the server and like what I'm seeing about it so far. I'm just wondering, how much end game raid content is available currently? Was having trouble finding this information, though I'm sure it exists somewhere :). Thanks.
A shitload.


There is likely more content available then you will ever complete in game.
Have you checked the wiki? Some information is there, but not a lot. I think having a place for new people and non-raiders to get this information would be helpful. I'd love to see a compendium covering the basics from adepts to treasure maps, to isolated stuff like Gnok/Plaguefang/Lavascale, to raid zones like Dragonhorn Keep and Prison. In fact, I'll start it here, and see what happens, because I'm not a raider here. Yet. So here goes, accuracy not promised.

Treasure Maps - these can be fished at higher skill levels or looted. These range from aptly named Simple and Very Easy to Very Difficult and Extreme that can challenge even top guilds. Treasure maps generally require a shovel and at least 1 group. Right-clicking a TMap will tell you what zone to go to. When you get there, you will be directed to an area where you are to dig (right-click effect of shovel). Digging will eventually result in spawning a wave of mobs to kill, and a chance to get a treasure chest. Killing faster and digging faster tends to result in faster chest spawning. The treasure chest will generally have tier-appropriate loots and some cash loot. A right-click Generate Raid? Yes, please.

Adepts - Raiding before 65. There's plenty of info on the wiki, so I won't put it here.


Plane of Earth and Tower of Tarhyl as well as Thazeran himself and Plane of Valora and Valorb and Lord Enthann are not on that list, same with 6 man raid(ish) zones like Cmal 1-4, Catacombs, and Emberflow Caverns which vary from doable in high 50's (cmal 1) to hard as fucking balls even in pimped out high end raid gear (Cmal 4 and Emberflow)

So shortage of content atm.
In a time perspective. If your hardcore, and average 50+ hours a week in game, you would be extremely lucky to complete the majority of raid content in a year.
stope21 said:
you would be extremely lucky to complete the majority of raid content in a year.

you would be even luckier to get into a guild of people who are as crazy as you are. you aren't going to complete that content without an entire guild of crazies backing you.
SlicerSV said:
you would be even luckier to get into a guild of people who are as crazy as you are. you aren't going to complete that content without an entire guild of crazies backing you.
cough cough
Thanks everyone, thats all I really needed to know, and I'll definitely be getting into this. The server's looking better and better the more I look into it.
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