Ragebearer FactionBound Turn-in BUGGED


Dalayan Beginner
Hello, i currently tried turning in the Ragebearer from DHK to the King in Stormkeep. Upon turn in it said "Frost King Rymaz Sunbane, has returned Ragebearer". I petitioned and got the attention of GM-Xar and we've learned that the quest turn is bugged. Please do something about this

-Ps: i have Ally faction
Turn in is in fact bugged, verified, one of the Dev's will have to fix when they have a moment.
First, this is not news. This was posted in my thread Ragebearer and Faction Binding a while ago. Dragonbone Gloves and Dawnbringer from the same mob are also bugged.

Second, I was under the impression that petitioning for Questing problems was not allowed, per the READ: Petitioning rules thread in the Policy Plaza:

Do NOT petition the following:

1. Quest bugs. GMs cannot solve these problems with the tools we have. These should be posted -- again, with relevant information -- in the Quest forum.

Is this no longer accurate?
Riesen said:
i believe all of nartalzia's drops are not faction upgradable.

Gleaming Scale Armplates from Nart are faction bindable (didn't used to be, but this was fixed somewhere along the way).

Riesen said:
he probably petitioned un-aware of what the problem was.

Agreed. My issue was more that the thread posted in S&R, which I believe is the correct way of reporting these issues (maybe the wrong forum, could have been put in Quests I guess) received no response from any staff, whereas when it was petitioned (which is explicitly against the rules) it received staff backup here.

What did this trixykix guy do so that you wanna make him look that bad ? or you wanna be a GM yourself ? omg modo backseat or what is it called ?
At least this damn bug is considered and has got official response. At least that was efficient.
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