Questions from a possible new player


Dalayan Beginner
1. What expansion is this server up too?
2. Is this a PVP server?
3. Are most players high end at this point?
4. What classes are most guilds short on?

Thanks for the time if you respond
1. What expansion is this server up too?
We are a custom server, not a straight emulator. As such we use whatever zones we want, attached to different areas. Most of Pre-Kunark is used, Many/Most PoP zones are used. Luclin exploded, but we still use a couple of its zones. Kunark as a whole was just released but its 55+ if you're being generous. Many LDON's are used, but they aren't instances. At least one 'Omens of War' zone is also active.

2. Is this a PVP server?
No. You can flag, but you are in the minority. PvP is not something we bother to balance here or spend much time considering, and the sad truth is most of our population prefers it that way.

3. Are most players high end at this point?
We are probably pretty top heavy. That being said we have a healthy enough population that if you want to group up to 65, you can usually always do so. Unless you play at very odd times. You are also allowed to 2 box (from different account, but NEVER more than 2), which can help fill the groupless gaps if they occur.

4. What classes are most guilds short on?
Needs vary constantly. Tanks are usually not needed by raiding guilds, but everything else usually has some need by someone.

Your first question infers you may not quite understand what we are about, I'd suggest checking out our wiki, specifically this page. In short, we emulate the feel of live, around Velious era, with zones past that. Consider us more like a mod to live, rather than a clone of it.
Thanks for your response... the wiki page was helpful which lead me to a couple of other questions.

Are the epics live?

Are the AAs pretty much the same as with the live server and if so to what expansion?

The game looks like a lot of fun should see you in game within a week :)

Will probably be botting a Ranger / Cleric combo and my girlfriend will playing a chanter.

Played on the live server from 2000 to 2009 on and off... did the progression server and had fun with it until it went live.

Played the Ranger / Cleric / Chanter trio until my girlfriend took over the Chanter all of which were in the top 50 on the leaderboards. Look forward to seeing the high end stuff here asap.
No epics, though the models are used on other weapons. There is no intention to make epic weapon quests, but the deity quests have a similar feel and difficulty to them (for the most part, for those implemented atm).

Like most things in SoD, some AA's are the same, many are different. They technically only go through PoP, but you won't be running out of uses for your exp any time soon due to Tomes (our own custom system for exp use).
Tipt was Gates, I think for Qvic flagging. I remember because it was a big pita when we were at that point in progression.
And there are some epic quest chains for weapons and such at higher tiers but its not limited to one class.
I have logged in for a couple of mins just to make sure it all works. Looks like most people hang out in what is Felwithe on the live servers not sure if that is the case or not, but there seemed to be a big population of people in there lfg and what not. I like the fact that when you /auction it goes server wide, and /ooc seems the same way, how about /shouts? Are there GLAAs?
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