problem with sarscaster and melee ui


Dalayan Beginner
im having a problem with the sarscaster and melee ui's......everything works fine except the target icon and health/mana icon are both invisible......i can even move them with the pointer but i still cant see them........anybody know how to fix this?
for the target indicator press alt+t.

for the hp/mana thing try switching back to original UI and then back to sars. if not, turn off all the windows by pressing alt+(s/b/e) and move the chat window around, see if the hp/ac thing just got hidden in a corner somewhere as it happens with SARS when you load it for the first time and try to open the abilities tab, that time it just hides in the bottom right-hand corner.

hire sherlock holmes.

ah and if its just the color thing youre worried about - grab the lil sucker with the right mouse button and play with the shading thing
tried and didnt work.....i mean the windows r there but just invisible.......i can move the window to the middle of the screen and when i switch back to the default it shows it there......anyone know if there is a way to change something in the xml files for the ui?
you need an older sars or a different modded version, i have a 2.3 and it works fine all all but my cleric due to some minor XML stuff.

Go with Delta's UI or anything from 2004 or eairlyer.
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