Post-Heartlands Blackscale One Stop Bug Thread

Ykari07 said:
You should see the next assassination. Mortulin and I managed to do it twice (one for each of us), but not before we both had several bodies littered about.

Yep, the next one is also pretty excessive. Although I did it a couple different ways this afternoon. I think you may have him hitting a bit too hard Woldaff.
Assassination 3 - WHAT? :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: Runs at bard speed, snarable. Ok thats fine and good. I chased him all around the zone, from spawn to despawn, with dots, and spamming nukes, got him to 50% at best. You lose LOS on him when he goes through the water. He cuts through walls. He doesnt respond to hails. He is immune to roots. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

I have to ask, having done SC already on my druid, and being able to duo or solo it all with no trouble - Is this assassination stuff meant to be difficult and frustrating? What about the undead summoner? The people Ive talked to havent figured that one out as of yet either. All the sc quests were very straightforward, no riddles, no real gimmicks. I would have assumed Blackscale would be along the same lines, except more murdering etc as opposed to liberating freeport and whatnot. I understand the puzzles pertaining to the artifacts, thats neat, the Erudite mage was pretty cool, and a lot of the other "kill these mobs for this drop" stuff was great. I just think your assassination quests at the least might be a bit more frustrating than they need to be. Maybe make Druan take longer to do his thing. Weaken the husband. Make the gnome more along the lines of the Erudite mage, or atleast a bit less hp, and then perhaps some people may have some hair left when they finish the quests =\
I too would like to beg that Matru's hp be lowered at the least. Honestly, I don't mind chasing him around Underhill like a spaz, I even got him snared. But with 3 crit bow shots for 700 and numerous 200 point others, along with a bard spamming his 3k DD, we jointly got him down to 75%. At which point he despawned. We tried again later. Same thing. With Finster/Zarra also on him, he went down to 72%.

And this is totally ignoring the fact that Matru bugs happily through walls, swims at obscene speeds (my Clerics is 250 at swimming, couldn't catch him) and won't stop to fight no matter how many arrows I slam into his spinal column. I like the idea, but Mr. Fleetfoot is out of control. I could handle it if he were outside where we could use bardspeed or even just spirit of eagle to play catch up. But in Underhill, we're fucked.
The assasination quests are completely optional. In fact no quest in the entire series is a must - there is plenty to choose from if you find one too hard.

The Assasination ones take a good deal more strategy and timing than any other quest in the series. They also give the most credit (Fast track pretty much.)

If you dont like the difficulty do a different quest. If you do indeed get it done know that its time well spent.
Quick addition-

You could do the ENTIRE Blackscale quest with a duo if you wanted to. I put the harder quests (Assasination and Silver Crown Raids) in as a way for the upper level people to have a more exciting way to get through the quest.

If you want to become a Warlord farming light blues and greens - go for it.
Waldoff said:
Quick addition-

You could do the ENTIRE Blackscale quest with a duo if you wanted to. I put the harder quests (Assasination and Silver Crown Raids) in as a way for the upper level people to have a more exciting way to get through the quest.

If you want to become a Warlord farming light blues and greens - go for it.

I do like your optional methods. Dont get me wrong. I was mostly curious as to the intended difficulty of them.

As for Matru, is there anything you can do regarding this, considering he does have a tendancy to swim obscenely fast, and is very difficult to get los on while he is in the water, as well as running through walls randomly? Perhaps increase his up time, or lower his hp, or change his path?
Ykari07 said:
I too would like to beg that Matru's hp be lowered at the least. Honestly, I don't mind chasing him around Underhill like a spaz, I even got him snared. But with 3 crit bow shots for 700 and numerous 200 point others, along with a bard spamming his 3k DD, we jointly got him down to 75%. At which point he despawned. We tried again later. Same thing. With Finster/Zarra also on him, he went down to 72%.

And this is totally ignoring the fact that Matru bugs happily through walls, swims at obscene speeds (my Clerics is 250 at swimming, couldn't catch him) and won't stop to fight no matter how many arrows I slam into his spinal column. I like the idea, but Mr. Fleetfoot is out of control. I could handle it if he were outside where we could use bardspeed or even just spirit of eagle to play catch up. But in Underhill, we're fucked.

I revised my strategy =)

Vexiz_ said:
and liodreth quest is still active even after talking to vexath i got the faction boost but no completed msg

same with the Fatal Jealousy journal entry
Except for the 2nd assassination, I've soloed all of blackscale so far, mattru wasn't that hard, i killed him twice, his corpse was just buggy for me :psyduck:

The summoner skeleton thingie event is very very tricky to figure out, but when you do figure it out, it's incredibly simple and straightforward. I just recommend going with a group and brainstorming your heart out!
The lizardman inoculation quest seem to be bugged, I recieved the message saying I already filled my quota and should return back. When I go back to Raider Shrissar she gives me the quest again, instead of completing the quest and giving me faction exp.
Kyeld said:
The lizardman inoculation quest seem to be bugged, I recieved the message saying I already filled my quota and should return back. When I go back to Raider Shrissar she gives me the quest again, instead of completing the quest and giving me faction exp.

Happened to me, I tried to innoculate again, said I filled my quota, and then she took my dartgun that time.
Waldoff said:
If you want to become a Warlord farming light blues and greens - go for it.

Ive done the following quests -
Scarab carapace
Strange Matter
Basilisk tails
Erudite misanthropist
Starfall goblins
Undead Caller
Blowgun the lizardmen thing
Retrieve the rings
Liodreth ally

Gsm -
Gsm Goblin heads
Amulets of Piety
Revenge for the Order
Intercept the caravan

All 3 assassinations
Token of Zarad, Patience of the Artisan, Essence of the First Druid, Nazdritch Claw.

After all that, Im still corsair. Ngl, it just doesnt seem possible to get warlord without assassinations et all, unless the GSM ground spawns are worth a crazy amount. But Ive covered all the green/lb farming quests, and then some. Several of these definitely not duoable. Something not worth what it should be somewhere? Could I have not gotten credit for something for some reason, or, is it just actually not possible and you do need them all?

Edit - All turnins were maxed, btw.
8 people have completed the quest line. 3 of them for sure did not do assasinations. Not sure about the rest.

tbh it sounds like your really close. Dont underestimate the amount of artifacts you can bring in.
Waldoff said:
tbh it sounds like your really close. Dont underestimate the amount of artifacts you can bring in.

I may have misunderstood this, but I tried turning a duplicate in (farmed one, handed in, returned got another, tried again) it was given back.

btw, I'm with Faelus here.

I've done every single quest except the documents, and turned in 3x artifacts (admitedly, smaller ones, zarad - artisan, druid).
Still no promotion.

How is a noob supposed to be able to do it 'farming greens' - is the document series really equal to the 3x assassinates, 3x 'biggies' (caravan, pirates, treasure trap), and a handful of artifacts?
Alton basically expressed my point a bit better than I did. If its doable by a duo killing greens/lbs without assassinations,then you need to look at the values of some other quests. The misanthropist, caller, 3 assassinations, pirate ship burning + next phases, and most of the artifacts arent duoable by most, or anyone. So in comparison to atleast silvercrown, where I solo'd almost everything but the freeport part (which I could have, but decided against because it was slow), it really does seem impossible to do blackscale without grouping for a large portion. A moderately geared duo would probably even have trouble with the easiest of the non green con mobs that drop artifacts.

Basically, its not really a problem for some of us, we can grab 2-4 chars and go kill just about anything associated with the quest. We're mostly just callingto your attention the fact your statement earlier.

You could do the ENTIRE Blackscale quest with a duo if you wanted to. I put the harder quests (Assasination and Silver Crown Raids) in as a way for the upper level people to have a more exciting way to get through the quest.

If you want to become a Warlord farming light blues and greens - go for it.

From our experiences,that just does not seem possible, particuarly the last part, and some parts may need tweaking to make it possible.
A "noob" or "moderate" duo like you stated would absolutally not be able to do the quest alone. My statement of light blues was a bit of hyperbole but a duo that could do all of the CoI quests could do all of the BS quests (Would have to do almost all the quests besides the group ones).

The only outlier is the Silver Crown quests which are basically just a long drawn out quest involving mostly farms and less events.

Edit- You can get up to half way through corsair doing greens and moderate blues. After that you have to do either high end duos or groups just like CoI.
Finaly got War Leader :dance: However Tizakah will not accept my pure-caster augment. Have not yet tried the other turn-in npc's but for certain Tizakah won't take it (simple return message given)
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