Paladin...what is the best race and why?


Dalayan Adventurer
i want to make a new toon and cant decide on what race to make a pally. any suggestions would be helpful...thx
high elf for the resists, human for high charisma :what: :what: gnome :what:
high elf paladins can't be charmed.  While they start off a bit weaker than any of the other paladins, the ability to not be charmed makes them awesome.  there aren't that many of them as well, considering the only one i can think of off the top of my head is gonobn.

Humans get the exp and skill bonuses, but that doesn't end up for much in the end game.

I'd say High elf would be a great way to go. If i had to start from scratch again with a paladin, I'd probably choose high elf or dwarf, due to the racial bonuses. It simply outweighs the faster exp/skill rate of humans
half-elf ftw :dance:

half-elves get part of the human xp and skill xp mod as well as infravision and also have +5% charm/mez resist. Sure being charm immune is good, but the xp mod that half-elves get is good too. I would either make a high elf or half elf if i were you
high elfs. Xp is moot when you are maxed and the immunity to charm when it works is the best ability for the class.
I would just like to say that, having chosen human when I first started for the exp bonus, I would not choose human again. From my experience, the exp mod just never seemed like anything worthwhile compared to some races that get resistances and/or bonuses that have definite use.
hooden said:
I would just like to say that, having chosen human when I first started for the exp bonus, I would not choose human again. From my experience, the exp mod just never seemed like anything worthwhile compared to some races that get resistances and/or bonuses that have definite use.

I'd think you would max out faster, but that's only so good. I definitely hated playing a human when I had my sk.

Oh and definitely hie for pally
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