Ok, one more try


Dalayan Beginner
I am stilling trying to connect to the server. Last night it all worked fine, i dont have a hardware firewall, the software (XP) firewall is configured to allow the client into the internet, and basically i changed nothing overnight. Its just that now i cant log in at all anymore. i always get 1001 errors, so i wonder....did any gm go ban crazy on me? If so, what did i do? I am new to this, so i dont even know how to cheat or exploit,.
PLEASE, any help would be highly appreciated. I already repatched, that didnt work either. And the page says server is definitely UP.
Problem solved

Unbelievable, but it seemed my winxp firewall reconfigured itself so it doesnt like eq anymore....i had to manually open the ports, it wasnt even enough to allow the program files access to the web....but now im playing again.
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