Odd Linkdead...


Dalayan Elder
After the new PL fix, i some times experience the following (and i can see that others also do):

On my client, i lose connection, it looks as if though i have no internet connection, the "lag bar" just goes empty, slowly, and after some time i get disconnected.

When im in Vent and this happens, i quickly ask my group if my char has gone LD, and it has. They get the X has gone linkdead message, but i dont go LD isntantly...

I have found that a "quick" way to fix it, is to type /q, then i get instantly kicked to server, and from there, just load my char. With my computer i can be back in the game with in around 10-12 seconds...

Also it some times happens after hours of playing, some times it can happen after around 15-20 minuts, seems a bit random.
This happens to me about every 90 minutes and I am not certain if the cause is my router, the internet, SoD servers, Slaariel, or what else could be causing it.
We are looking for a fix to this issue. Keep posting your stories aa they are helpful. We are pretty sure we know what causes it so a fix next patch looks realistic.

posted in a bit older "odd LD issue post" since the packet loss fix.
No longer happens, for me PL bug is fixed, and omg its nice!

TY all the coders who worked on this, amazing :)
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