Nuglug to retire


Dalayan Adventurer
I should have taken the advice from so many veteran players here... A monk is the worse thing to start fresh on this server if you are a new player. I am really feeling the effects of this now. I've always enjoyed playing a monk in live eq, but here its such a struggle, I cant even take on a light blue (some greenies even can kill me one and one)... I just don't know what gives, maybe im just getting too old to play these type of games anymore...

Last night was the final straw in the hat, I was doing an adept fight and my screen went blank (blinded) when it came up all my hot keys were moved all around... I know I was tired, but being one of the highest levels at the raid I was so ineffective at the adept (the level 50 guy by the otters). I probably get down on my self by looking at peoples gear on that evil fomelo site which doesn’t help, and I know "EVERYONE" has started as a newbie on the server but should have following the advice and rolled a Necromancer or Druid as my starter class so I could farm items for the class I really enjoy playing… "Monk".

Anyways, I probably will still be lingering around, I forgot how much fun old EQ was and still is thanks to this nice server. People on here are very friendly and the gm's are outstanding. If "live" had a few of these great people helping on their staff, I'd probably would have never left live!


PS - if you are a newbie to this server, really take the advice of the higher ups! Do not roll a monk as your first character on here ;)
Oh stick in there Nuglug. You weren't that horrible at the raid last night. Stick with the monk, find good groups and get geared up better. My Ranger is horribly geared and I still have good times playing whether I suck or not :dance:
If you played a monk on live back in the day if nothing else it shoulda taught you patience, which is what you need now. Keep leveling and doing the MQ's and Starfalls and Thurgs and eventually you're probably gonna be able to solo with a monk better than you could on live. I know that's the case between my monk on live and Hugh here and my live monk was beefed up far beyond this guy.
Hey Nug, don't get discouraged. Admittedly, Monk is not so great for solo, but it has it's place here. By all means, roll up another toon, maybe a shaman, or druid, and make some $$$ that way, but don't quit your monk just yet. Monks make the best pullers (imho).

As far as gearing him, you could jump on pickup map groups and get your /random on. Or join a guild doing raids\maps. True, you won't be the go-to guy, but I've had lower alts that were able to "tag along" on mod maps and get some better gear. (Most guilds are cool about that, letting lower levels get in on the action once a good core group is established) Getting better gear around your level (50 as of this post) is essential, since there is a pretty good jump in mob strength where you are (Think of Deeper Paw and Robots Vs Harthuks, Sorcs Lab, and EW Orcs).

One other thing, I noticed that none of your current gear is augmented. Even with cheap augs, its a great way to improve stats, AC, and HP. Given a Monk's penchant for cloth armor, grab a tailoring kit and get your tailor skill to 50 or so, and you can make your own Type 5 augs. Or buy them fairly cheap on Listsold. You also only have one ring equipped.

Moral of the story: it does not seem like you exhausted all of your options quite yet. Check them out, and let us know.
I dont really understand why you are giving up/leaving/retiring whatever, Monk doesnt have it that bad and everyone as you said has been at this point at sometime or another. It is also far easier now then it was years back.

=( try being a rogue mang, then you will learn the true feeling of being able to do nothing without others.
I'd second that. I can't imagine playing a melee class on SoD without rolling a boxed (or borrowed) healer.
at lvl 50 i had full wyvernfang chain armor. Your gear is about 500 times better.

I didn't 2 box and I played only a rogue which can't solo for shit and I made it.

You need to set short-mid term goals instead of looking at the whole picture or else you will just get overwhelmed.

in the 50s you will completely upgrade all of your armor with Stormkeep or Dragonhorn keep armor quests as well as loot from Tmaps
Monk was my first character on this server.

I leveled a shaman with it up until level 35 and then abandoned the shaman to focus only on my monk.

Wasn't that bad.
Sorry guys, im just bummin atm.. Kids, wife, weather (i live in wisconsin) and my job promotion that I accepted 3 months ago is again delayed for another 3 more months... its all just coming to a head and im lashing out. The game is much easier at lower levels but at higher levels its just a pain without a group and I can never seem to get in any groups (I guess my play times are goofy)...

Anyways, Ill be on vacation starting this friday until 2nd week in Jan, maybe I should just make a shaman on different account so i can spam heal/buff nug.

I dont know atm, im just really bummed...
yeah, my main was a rogue and honestly it was a pain, even light blues are a pain to kill. I actually soloed with my druid and let my rogue leech exp while i looked for a group to level most of the time as root dotting or kiting was faster than healing the rogue. Honestly, a few good groups and tmaps and you can really power your way to 60s from the 50's and after that it gets much better. Also I recommend trying to get simple maps together buying and completing maps is by far the fastest way for a non raid geared player to make plat and gear up especially with the rock bottom map prices at the moment.
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