Newport Wizard Line


Dalayan Beginner
Okay , so I did the first 2 steps in this quest all fine. However upon reaching the 3rd part I am stumped.

Summoner Sven never leaves the guild however the quest description/comments say to go to his house and toss explosions at him until he surrenders the money.

I have not seen him anywhere else except in the guild.

I tried attacking him twice, Killed him first time nothing happened no drops etc , second time I figured maybe I would hail him a few times at different health Percentages , No dice either. Is the quest broken/unfinished or am I just doing it totally wrong.

Also no faction hits/assists when attacking him so it leads me to believe im doing it correctly
Hhawk2 said:
Okay , so I did the first 2 steps in this quest all fine. However upon reaching the 3rd part I am stumped.

Summoner Sven never leaves the guild however the quest description/comments say to go to his house and toss explosions at him until he surrenders the money.

I have not seen him anywhere else except in the guild.

I tried attacking him twice, Killed him first time nothing happened no drops etc , second time I figured maybe I would hail him a few times at different health Percentages , No dice either. Is the quest broken/unfinished or am I just doing it totally wrong.

Also no faction hits/assists when attacking him so it leads me to believe im doing it correctly

He moves to his house after you talk to the guy that tells you to go to his house, but resets after a while. That's why the guildmaster says to return to him if Sven isn't around :) There's no faction hits just in case the player does what you did (EG: accidentally kill him, instead of just exploding him until he gives up). Return to your guildmaster for an 'update on Svens locatoin', then scuttle over and go to town.
I can't find Sven's house. :( I don't see anything on the Wiki about these quests. Anyone give me a hint?
ive been trying to do this quest today and sven does not leave, tried it several times he just stands in the same place.
i have no clue what it means to explode him but nuking did not work (atleast no faction hit like stated above)

Help please!
charlie2999 said:
ive been trying to do this quest today and sven does not leave, tried it several times he just stands in the same place.
i have no clue what it means to explode him but nuking did not work (atleast no faction hit like stated above)

Help please!

Nuking doesn't work? Since when? If you brought a higher-level character to help you then obviously you're not going to get the reward. I suggest you level a bit before you try to pick on Sven, if he's red-con to you and beats the tar out of you then you probably won't be able to do the next step anyway :toot:
I brought this up a while ago , the wizard portion seems completely broken or it is very unclear on what it wants you to do.

Sven has never left the guild except sometimes when he spawns out from for whatever reason, nuking him has no affect no matter what you do, there is no indication as to where his "house" is, nor have i ever found him anywhere in newport besides the guild and I looked almost everywhere.

I did however note that mungo spawns in the inn and in the house by the tailor/leatherworker behind the inn. This house which also has a bag of money at night. ???

I eventually just gave up on completing the wizards line at this point

oh wait i made this thread.

edit: I just went to try this again for the hell of it , he poofed upon initiating the chat and i found him eventually. But i have to say this would probably be hard for anyone that is not much higher then sven, as a green con he brought me <60% pretty quick and his pet is an ass. had no response or anything from nuking him below 40% and nothing from killing him so i assume you have to actually cast on him a few times

edit2: dropped a few level 8 nukes on him and he refused to give up and took his secrets to his temporary grave
I originally tried this quest awhile back (level 14), and Summoner Sven never despawned, so I tried doing the 'throw explosions at him' bit (yes, I assumed that it meant to nuke him) in the caster's guild, and he promptly killed me in several hits.

I tried this portion of the quest with my level 24 wizard today (Summoner Sven conned dark blue to me)--he's despawning from the guild, and spawning in his room now (yay! :)). I attacked him in a variety of ways (he also killed me once because I was chain-casting only a level 1 spell on him, hoping that would do the trick... but only the first time ;)) by using lower level spells to cast on him often, by using the highest damage spells I had, by not attacking him and killing his pet instead, by hailing him while I was nuking him, by meleeing him, by getting him down to a certain % (80%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 1%) and stopping attacking him... ...yet he would never stop attacking, and he and his pet fight hard. I also tried going another route, in case nuking him was not what one was supposed to do, so I tried casting beneficial spells on him, nothing stuck, and no reaction from him. Hell, I even chain cast some low level nukes (and also beneficial spells) on myself thinking that maybe that would entertain him enough to warrant a response from him--no dice! :p

I really have no idea how a low level character is supposed to accomplish this quest when he nukes back that hard, and his pet is attacking--especially, from what I encountered myself, he doesn't 'give up' at any point--it ends up being a do or die situation. And also from what I witnessed, a level 12 Wizard--who was trying to do this quest--was annihilated by Sven in a matter of 1-3 nukes, consistently.

Actually, more importantly, I have no idea how this encounter is really *intended* to work. Is Sven supposed to spawn in the room as a lower level NPC, or as a non-attacking NPC, or only attacking with level 1 or 4 nukes and without his pet? And, what is the intended outcome from nuking him supposed to be? Does he (and his pet) stop attacking at a certain % of health? Does he stop attacking after a certain number of nukes are cast on him? I really did try to cast on him often, and also try to get him down to certain % of health and see if he would stop, but he just kept on attacking.

I would love to get to the bottom of this, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help test this encounter out to ensure it's working as intended.
He's supposed to give up at 20%. Found and fixed the bug stopping him from doing that.
had him at 11% (just now before i posted this, that is after your change) with my wizzard and nothing happened.
hailed him repeatedly
charlie2999 said:
had him at 11% (just now before i posted this, that is after your change) with my wizzard and nothing happened.
hailed him repeatedly

The bug may have been found and fixed but not patched in yet.
Found and fixed the bug stopping him from doing that.
Took that as it had been patched and everything, must admit i was surprised he could do it without us needing to patch. But i guess he cant then ;)
eta on implementation?
I really have no idea how a low level character is supposed to accomplish this quest when he nukes back that hard
I was wondering that too. As a level 13 wizard he is very red to me, i have to get a bunch of buffs from friendly runnerbys and even then its all about luck (for every time i manage to kill him ive died 10 times myself). if i manage to resist 2 nukes i can just get him below 20% before he and his pet kills me. Is it supposed to be this hard?

The rest of the quest is doable at level 10, with this step up in difficulty im sure youd need atleast level 30 ish to do it easily.
I was trying it with the help of a lvl 24 wizard before and even she died while trying it out.

Maybe a lowering of his level / hp / nuke power is in order?
charlie2999 said:
I was wondering that too. As a level 13 wizard he is very red to me, i have to get a bunch of buffs from friendly runnerbys and even then its all about luck (for every time i manage to kill him ive died 10 times myself). if i manage to resist 2 nukes i can just get him below 20% before he and his pet kills me. Is it supposed to be this hard?

The rest of the quest is doable at level 10, with this step up in difficulty im sure youd need atleast level 30 ish to do it easily.
I was trying it with the help of a lvl 24 wizard before and even she died while trying it out.

Maybe a lowering of his level / hp / nuke power is in order?

The last portions of the enchanter line were defo not for anyone below 30, even the green cons made me ow and the hardest part i won at 2% and ended it with melee damage.

Even though I was in crappy gear my 55 wizard went down 40% from one of his nukes. The quest just has a huge jump in difficulty (enchanter one too). Not sure about the mage line.
Reduced Sven's hit points and added some less spicy nukes to his repertoire, so while he still casts the mean ones he'll do it less often.

charlie2999 said:
had him at 11% (just now before i posted this, that is after your change) with my wizzard and nothing happened.
hailed him repeatedly

Try it again. At time of this posting, it should be working. Note that as a side effect of repairing the quest, Sven can no longer be attacked while in the guild hall.
did not work =(

Im not sure how hard the quest is supposed to be but he still wacked my ass twice before i got my 14 wizard buffed like mad and attempted again (a shaman and a druid doubled my hp to 572 and ac to 247).

With that I got Summoner Sven down to 9% hp (pet still alive dident bother with him) with no response. I did not have any help during the fight (got buffed before) and i hailed him reptetadely before i died.

Also, i noticed you changed the dialog with the guild master whom gives the quest. There is however an error in it, as you go through the dialog with /cm D1 it is fine untill you reach the last one where it does not give a response. Summoner Sven still however despawns and pops in house its just that the text for the final dialogue response is missing.
hey again.
Tried it once more today and same result. The dialogue is not completly working but Sven despawns and respawns in his house. Taking him down to 20% or less still has no effect.
charlie2999 said:
hey again.
Tried it once more today and same result. The dialogue is not completly working but Sven despawns and respawns in his house. Taking him down to 20% or less still has no effect.

Fixed the 'dialog not working' and added the ability to simply hail Sven when he's low health to get him to surrender that way. In the next few days, I'll be going over all these SNP quests and adding journal entries, polishing them, and in general giving them the benefit of my experience (they were my very first project and they're a little wonky as a result).
Thinkmeats said:
Fixed the 'dialog not working' and added the ability to simply hail Sven when he's low health to get him to surrender that way. In the next few days, I'll be going over all these SNP quests and adding journal entries, polishing them, and in general giving them the benefit of my experience (they were my very first project and they're a little wonky as a result).

Thank you thank you thank you! :dance:
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