Newport Ring Quest - Please Read!

The following is just copied and pasted from the stickied post about the newport ring quest, i posted this over 3 days ago, and as of now, i still dont have an answer, not even a "please be patient" or anything. any sort of respons would be nice, as i really want my newport ring 5.


first off i would like to say, Great job to all the hard working staff that enables us to play on such a great server!

my problem:

ive cleansed 11/12 worshippers, but on the 12th, i was a bit slow, when i cleansed, it updated to 12/12 but he also died shortly thereafter,
and althok never spawned, we waited i dont know, 30-45 minutes for althok to spawn, but he never did..
ive also tried to cleanse more worshippers, but nothing happends. it doesnt cleanse them.
i would appreciate any help on this matter


I opted to post on this forum instead of petitioning, because the petition text thing specifically says dont petition of quest bugs, but atm, im reconsidering as it would be a simple fix by a Gm (if its within their power) to force spawn Althok for me, or just summon his head for me.

From what I last heard Xeldan was looking into the issues with the Newport Ring Quests. Being that his time is limited, it might not be within 3 days, or even a week. Sorry someone didn't post this sooner, but "please be patient". :)
JayelleNephilim said:
From what I last heard Xeldan was looking into the issues with the Newport Ring Quests. Being that his time is limited, it might not be within 3 days, or even a week. Sorry someone didn't post this sooner, but "please be patient". :)

i guess i could do that ;) just really impatient about getting that Blessing of the deep on the ring 5 :) and the stats ofcourse. but ill be patient a few more days i guess :)

EDIT: Dang i use alot of smileys....
lorrum said:
I like everyone with the Ring problems respect the fact that GMs cannot summon quick fix it's for everyone just with a snap of the finger but could you have an NPC that will start us over and reset the ring quest. I just want to get it done as well.

I talked to a GM about this quest a while back and according to him it's not possible to simply reset the quest. The reason as I understood it is that there are too many undocumented character flags so they just don't know which ones belong to this quest and which ones are for other stuff. Figuring out what to do in order to fix this is a lot of work and you'll just have to be patient until someone has the time to do that.
bluninja said:
I talked to a GM about this quest a while back and according to him it's not possible to simply reset the quest. The reason as I understood it is that there are too many undocumented character flags so they just don't know which ones belong to this quest and which ones are for other stuff. Figuring out what to do in order to fix this is a lot of work and you'll just have to be patient until someone has the time to do that.
For a GM it is hard, indeed. Devs are able to sift through these flags and point out a character flag which can be a reset point before the bugginess happens, make an automated process to reset to that (handing in your completed ring 4 and resetting all flags to being as if you had just completed it, for example), then go through to see why the bug is happening.
The first two steps are relatively painless compared to the last.
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