Newport Ring Quest - Please Read!


Staff member
I am going to be going through the buggy portions of this quest (ring 3+) and hopefully unbuggify them. Please post here any details of problems you have had in the last couple months - perhaps it will help me figure out exactly what is going wrong.

This is not to say that I am not reading the recent threads - they are the reason I am going to go through and fix this quest. Still I would like a total list of problems that people have had.

So post your past problems! With any luck we will never have to see this quest in the top 5 quest discussion posts again.
The problem I had was with the end of the Ring 3 section. It has been a little while so my memory isn't perfect on this but it seems you can progress to part 3 without getting the new ring at the end of ring 2, which was what I did. I completed part 2 and talked to Seargent Halsey, didn't get a new ring, and then went on to do all of part 3 leading up to receiving the new ring. I hand him the old ring (the scouts ring) and the notice of deployment and he gives them both back to me, seemingly because it is not the correct ring (Newport Corporal's Insignia) for the part. He also will not upgrade your ring if you hand it in alone or give you another if you delete the other one.

If it helps I believe part of the problem is that you can progress without giving him your old ring to upgrade, and not that he is giving you the wrong ring or returning the ring to you.

Of course at this point I deleted the ring hoping that hailing him would give me another, so thats probably another issue :hmph:
EDIT: ^^^ same problem I guess ^^^

Let me know if you need me to go into more detail about any part, I can dig through the log.

Repost my post from another thread:

Looking through my logs I see where things went wrong.

Between steps 6 and 7 on this page:
6) Return the sample to Sergeant Halsey.
Sergeant Halsey reads over the report and looks at (soandso) shocked, 'Thank heavens we stumbled onto this before it was too late! (soandso), you've done us a great justice -- please hand me your Scout's insignia and accept this as an honorary Corporal of the Newport Guard. I am sure the Newport Guard will call on you when we are prepared to cleanse the plagues from the badlands.'
You gain experience!! (10000)
Your faction standing with Newport Guards has gotten better!
Your faction standing with Newport Citizens has gotten better!

7) Hand your Newport Scout's Insignia to Sergeant Halsey.
Sergeant Halsey hands (soandso) a new ring, 'There you are, Corporal. If you are interested in continuing work on these matters, speak with Captain Thalas. You can find him overseeing the incoming and outgoing traffic at the docks in Southern Newport.'
You gain experience!! (5000)
You recieve Newport Corporal's Insignia from Sergeant Halsey.
Your faction standing with Newport Guards has gotten better!
Your faction standing with Newport Citizens has gotten better!!

I did step 6, return the sample to Halsey but for some reason I hailed him again instead of turning in the first ring (Scout's insignia). He directed me to Thalas with a slightly different text:

[Sun Feb 03 19:49:28 2008] Sergeant Halsey reads over the report and looks at Mats shocked, 'Thank heavens we stumbled onto this before it was too late! Mats, you've done us a great justice -- please hand me your Scout's insignia and accept this as an honorary Corporal of the Newport Guard. I am sure the Newport Guard will call on you when we are prepared to cleanse the plagues from the Badlands.'
[Sun Feb 03 19:49:28 2008] Your journal has been updated. [The Bloodblade Compound]
[Sun Feb 03 19:49:28 2008] You gain 5000 experience!!
[Sun Feb 03 19:49:28 2008] Your faction standing with Newport Guard has gotten better!
[Sun Feb 03 19:49:28 2008] Your faction standing with Newport Citizens has gotten better!

[Sun Feb 03 19:49:30 2008] You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Halsey'
[Sun Feb 03 19:49:31 2008] Sergeant Halsey says, 'Greetings, Corporal Mats. Captain Thalas would like to have a word with you in regards to our findings involving the Bloodblade brothers. You can find him overseeing the incoming and outgoing traffic at the docks in Southern Newport.'

I go to Thalas and continue to do what he asks me to do, which is the third part of the quest. At the end of that he sends me back to Halsey to hand in a note and my second ring.
Wiki for third part is here:

[Sun Feb 03 23:31:51 2008] Captain Thalas says, 'Amazing job Corporal.' Captain Thalas writes a note and places it in an envelope, 'Here, take this to Sergeant Halsey. I believe the expedition is ready to be deployed now that we have the proper supplies. Oh, by the way... present to him your ring in addition to the letter - I have requested he gives you a new ring, as your status within the guard has been raised to Sergeant.'
[Sun Feb 03 23:31:51 2008] You gain 10000 experience!!
[Sun Feb 03 23:31:51 2008] Your faction standing with Newport Guard has gotten better!
[Sun Feb 03 23:31:51 2008] Your faction standing with Newport Citizens has gotten better!
[Sun Feb 03 23:31:51 2008] You receive Notice of Deployment from Captain Thalas.

Now the problem is that while I have the Notice of Deployment I only have the first ring, the Scout's insignia. My quest journal says to hand the first ring to Halsey:
[Sun Feb 03 23:36:38 2008] 8: [The Bloodblade Compound]
[Sun Feb 03 23:36:38 2008] Sergeant Halsey is very disturbed at your findings in the Eastern Badlands. He now requests that you hand over your Newport Scout's Insignia to receive a new ring.

Now I'm stuck and can't go on.

My character's name is Mats.
Ring 5 - cleansing the worshipers

I've cleansed 7/8 worshipers, and hailed them. When I try to cleanse the 8th, it doesn't work. I can click the vial, but it has no effect of the plague worshiper (he doesn't fall to the ground and the frenzied worshiper does not spawn). Therefore, the named mob does not spawn and I cannot loot his head.
I just recently did New Port 5, and the pet Bug is still thier.

When you cleasn a plague worshiper and his text starts, all pets that are summon will be bug locked on him and unable to attack anything else.

So when the enraged priest pops any pet class with a pet out when the worshiper was cleansed will not have pet for the fight. Pets will not attack ANYthing for any reasons.

Summoning pets right after the plague worshiper does his text and drops to a knee will not bug them. However in that small window of a few secs it means all pet classes fight enraged priest (and the named priest) with no pet buffs what so ever as you barly have time for some classes to get thier pets out before the priest spawn, and in the case of a few classes (shamans) you cannot even have your summoning finished before the enraged/named priest spawns. (also means pet classes can never fight enrage/named priest FM)

I have heard that doing this quest will also bug pets across the zone, but have not confirmed this part.

Its VERY VERY annoying for pet classes.
Renshu said:
Ring 5 - cleansing the worshipers

I've cleansed 7/8 worshipers, and hailed them. When I try to cleanse the 8th, it doesn't work. I can click the vial, but it has no effect of the plague worshiper (he doesn't fall to the ground and the frenzied worshiper does not spawn). Therefore, the named mob does not spawn and I cannot loot his head.

Thanks for taking the time to work on this quest! I for one really appreciate it!

My problem is the exact problem Renshu is having as quoted above.
It's been maybe a year to a year and a half, but I have had my pet go useless while fighting the animals in zone while some one else in zone was doing the quest.
Last night while doing the quest we go through three plague worshipers and was doing the fourth, when we killed the priest the worshiper did not finish his script and spawn the cleansed npc.

We tried the vial on him again, it repeated the script but again did not spawn the cleansed. We then killed the npc thinking maybe if we got another it would work, but alas it did the same thing as before.

Edit: This happened on Sayen.

*stolen from*
Furrygamer said:
Last night while doing the quest we go through three plague worshipers and was doing the fourth, when we killed the priest the worshiper did not finish his script and spawn the cleansed npc.

We tried the vial on him again, it repeated the script but again did not spawn the cleansed. We then killed the npc thinking maybe if we got another it would work, but alas it did the same thing as before.

Edit: This happened on Sayen.

*stolen from*

My group has triggered this bug by cleansing 2 worshipers at once, then zoning and coming back in to finish off the two enraged priests. The next worshiper we tried to cleanse fell to the ground and spawned the enraged priest, but never became cleansed. It seams to have bugged the zone we were in, but we were still able to finish the even in the other plaguelands zone. Hope this helps diagnose the bug!
I'm completely rewriting the script now. The objectives will likely change with the rewrite, so I'll make sure to make note of the changes once it's done. I'll test this extensively prior to releasing it, too, so the number of bugs with it should hopefully be minimal.
since the new server is up I am having issues with ring 3 I have the ring 1 ring but I have completed quest 3 but can't turn in stuff b/c of the wrong ring

Okay so I completed ring quest two and went on to three. I talked to the Sarg and he said to talk to the capt. near the docks so I did this and I got all the boxes needed for the quest and take them back to town. I turn them in. Capt. says to return to the Halsey and give him the papers and the ring you have.

The Problem arises here:

I give Halsey the papers and my ring only its not the right ring I didn't give him the ring after completing ring 2 and so now at this point he will not give me a new ring, won't take the papers, and will not allow me to repeat quest 2 in order to set up the ring exchange again. I have hailed him with only the ring in my inventory and all I get back is that I said hail to him.

I need some help here or I am locked out of completing ring quest 3 and moving on to four.
My wife's character Kairie has the same problem that Enlityn3, bluninja, and lorrum have; she need the corporal's insignia but has the scout's one, and Halsey won't give her a new one. Could a kind GM please give her the correct ring so she can continue the quest? Thanks in advance!
samus12345 said:
My wife's character Kairie has the same problem that Enlityn3, bluninja, and lorrum have; she need the corporal's insignia but has the scout's one, and Halsey won't give her a new one. Could a kind GM please give her the correct ring so she can continue the quest? Thanks in advance!

GM's don't just go around summoning random quest items for fun. I mean every now and then if something seems like a WILD freak accident we do, but for the most part the devs like to fix things that are wrong with quests in the actual quests so that they do not happen in the future.

Instead of reading a following the instructions of the Quest NPCs, people have followed the wiki and or skimmed what the in game NPCs have said. Now I am not saying there shouldn't be some fail safe added in for this, but I am saying that it needs ot be done at the dev level and not by GM's summoning 300 Newport Corporal's Insignias for people that didn't follow instructions.
True, the NPC gave instructions that weren't followed. However, when you've done a certain quest several times already, most people won't meticulously read everything said to them again and again, and mistakes can be made. I wouldn't have asked for a replacement ring if this bug hadn't been known for over a month at least without being fixed. Yes, it does need to be done at the Dev level, but it has not. Simply make it so Halsey will accept either the scout's ring OR the corporal's ring with the notice of deployment and the problem will be fixed. You can't get the notice until you've finished all that's needed to get this far, so their existence in one's inventory is proof that one should also have a corporal's ring.
im having a problem.

when doing the quest on Pacho I seem to have had a probel with the handing of burts envelope. i gave him the envelope and got his bag but then when i try to give the bag to the SGT he wont accept it. just gives it back. right now im stuck where i ahve to confront burt and then give the SGT the bag and cannot move further.

its as if i turned it in and got no credit for the turnin.
is there a way where i can just get like reset on that quest? seriously i want to do the ring but i cant seem to get help from anyone about this . i would really like to just get over with this . thanks!
Tempus said:
GM's don't just go around summoning random quest items for fun. I mean every now and then if something seems like a WILD freak accident we do, but for the most part the devs like to fix things that are wrong with quests in the actual quests so that they do not happen in the future.

Instead of reading a following the instructions of the Quest NPCs, people have followed the wiki and or skimmed what the in game NPCs have said. Now I am not saying there shouldn't be some fail safe added in for this, but I am saying that it needs ot be done at the dev level and not by GM's summoning 300 Newport Corporal's Insignias for people that didn't follow instructions.

I respect your point of view and I admittedly don't know the effort behind summoning a ring for a player, but seeing as numerous people have a problem with one of the major quests in the game I don't think it would be unreasonable to summon some rings if a fix isn't on the way in the near future. I know a few have been waiting as long as 6 months since this problem was first brought to the attention of GMs. I'm sure the Devs are busy, but that sounds like a reasonable request to me.
A guildie has run into an issue twice in Newport Ring IV. The guard turned on his pet (Druid) for no apparent reason. We weren't even in combat at the time. I don't play a pet class, so I'm not sure if random aggro on pets is something that happens every once in a while, but I doubt it. I guess I'd have heard about it before if that were the case. :p
I like everyone with the Ring problems respect the fact that GMs cannot summon quick fix it's for everyone just with a snap of the finger but could you have an NPC that will start us over and reset the ring quest. I just want to get it done as well.
lorrum said:
I like everyone with the Ring problems respect the fact that GMs cannot summon quick fix it's for everyone just with a snap of the finger but could you have an NPC that will start us over and reset the ring quest. I just want to get it done as well.

yeah please. im trying to finish this damn quest and ive yet to be able to get any help for it. i dont care if i have to restart it. just let me do it
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