New to WR, some questions

Ok, this is what I have done for installing and patching.

Install Everquest, Install Ruins of Kunark, Install Scars of Velious, Install Shadows of Luclin, Install Planes of Power. Start the Everquest patcher, wait for file check. Go to Advanced and select Legacy of Ykesha, and Lost Dungeons of Norrath. Save and download all the patches.

Install the WR patcher. Patch to WR and then install the Hotfix overwriting the files in the everquest folder. I then click run or done in the WR patcher to start everquest. At this point once I got to the server select I would crash after clicking next to go to the character select/creation. I then installed the default UI overwriting the files(I noticed this had its own version of the charcreation.xml, not sure if this is the right one) I then stopped crashing and got to create a character. After creating a character I hit next to enter the server with the selected character, the game then goes to a black screen and just sits there with the music playing.

This morning I was trying patching to live, reinstall the wr patch, install the hotfix, install the UI, and got a 1017.

Then I tried install the UI, install the hotfix and would crash.

More often then not, I am crashing with the eqgame.exe

So unless I am doing something out of order, or missing something simple, I don't know wtf my problem is atm.

I'll just blame it on SOE/Verant for writing fubar code...

I'm not sure what you're not doing, but I do know that there was a recent change in the hotfix (not sure if it was for content or for ease of use).

I'll check in the morning by redownloading everything, including the wrpatcher, hotfix, eqw, eqpn, and the default UI.

Might work, never know.

I know it is a pain in the ass for you guys to help us, but thanks :)

If you got extra time, and want to try this. Try a complete fresh install. Uninstall Everquest and delete everything everquest. See how that works for yah? Might give you more insight if something does go wrong.
Ok, well I am still all messed up and crashing at the same point as before when I started all this. Crash at the point of logging into the character select.

I did a complete file check, repatched to live.

Downloaded the new hotfix, installed that.

Downloaded and reinstalled the patcher.

Ran the patcher, hit run, loging to server, select server, then crash with the eqgame.exe error... so annoying.
Friend also having this problem

I have set up WR on my computer and serveral others a few times. My friend is also having this problem...any info on why, or how to fix would be great, i'm outa ideas here.
Try the fix listed in this thread concerning the help file. If it doesn't do the trick do some searches for "screen goes black" and such. Worth a shot.

Well I have continued trying reinstalling, patching etc, using the new hotfix file. Still crash trying to login to the character select screen eqgame.exe crash error.
Well this morning I was able to login and play. I had just restarted the computer and reset the modem and router. I also switched the characters models to all the old models. I then logged in as normal and got right into the game without issue.

I did not change anything from my previous attempts when I was crashing other than the models and just having restarted the computer.

So, no clue how it got fixed :) But at least I can play some :) Woo Woo!!

Thanks for all the help.
Well I am not sure why this keeps coming back, but I started crashing again with the same error. I have not changed anything. I was able to play for about 2 weeks without a problem. Granted I only played about a total of 5 times but I was able to login with out a problem.

Now I just crash after server select screen. eqgame.exe error.
Hey there,

New to all this, and I've had the exact same problem, with similar specs to your machine, Des - including zone alarm running happily on both my desktop computer & my laptop. Went through the usual setup procedure and kept constantly running into the same error on both machines.

Completely shutdown ZA on your machine, then try it again - should fix the problem. (Close the application down, don't alter your security levels).

Let us know if that works.
Just to update - I did try shutting off Zone Alarm with no success. I also updated the security settings to make sure EQ was allowed with no success.

So I think I will just chalk this one up as a loss cause I really don't want to try anymore.

Thanks for all the help.

I may try again at a later date and see what happens.
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