New to WR, some questions


Dalayan Beginner
I just started this weekend. I have read through all the posts I can find about installing and logging into the servers.

I am wondering if WR is currently playable from a fresh install(Everquest, Ruins of Kunark, Velious, Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power, LoY, LDoN) and current patch from eqlive.

I can get to server select screen then the program halts on an error. I have tried several different hotfix links in hopes one might work, but no luck.

I can post the dbg.txt file in the morning for help in troubleshooting. As far as I can tell I am getting past the eqmain.dll load then shortly after that it encounters an error and halts.

Thanks in advance for any help.
part that got left out

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00037:wait_message(), after receive, msg is 0x03bbead8

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00038:wait_message is returning: msgptr = 0x03bbead8

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00039:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 5e...

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00040:wait_message(), (g_rdp=0x025f08a8, g_world=0x00000000) before receive

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00041:wait_message(), after receive, msg is 0x03afd478

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00042:wait_message is returning: msgptr = 0x03afd478

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00043:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 196...

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00044:WorldAuthenticate. Access granted.

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:35 2005]00045:wait_message(), (g_rdp=0x025f08a8, g_world=0x039e9070) before receive

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:43 2005]00046:wait_message(), after receive, msg is 0x03bbead8

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:43 2005]00047:wait_message is returning: msgptr = 0x03bbead8

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:43 2005]00048:ERROR: Unexpected message: 5e

[Mon Apr 25 23:52:43 2005]00049:GetPlayerName. returning character_selected = 0
I'll look into wheter there's some file we need to replace from current patch.. all I can tell you to do right now is make a fresh install and try again. Avoid patching god/oow/don too.
Thanks for reply

I will have to try that then.

I did patch up to LDoN so who knows.

I will try just EQbasic, Kunark, Velious, Luclin, and PoP.
Ok, tried the reinstall.

Installed up to PoP. I then patched up to LoY and the Optional Stuff.

Patched from the WR patcher and the hotfix.

Same error before getting to character select.

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00039:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 5e...

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00040:wait_message(), (g_rdp=0x035dce30, g_world=0x00000000) before receive

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00041:wait_message(), after receive, msg is 0x03547298

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00042:wait_message is returning: msgptr = 0x03547298

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00043:WorldAuthenticate. I got a message of type 196...

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00044:WorldAuthenticate. Access granted.

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:09 2005]00045:wait_message(), (g_rdp=0x035dce30, g_world=0x03563560) before receive

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:15 2005]00046:wait_message(), after receive, msg is 0x036d3ee0

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:15 2005]00047:wait_message is returning: msgptr = 0x036d3ee0

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:15 2005]00048:ERROR: Unexpected message: 5e

[Thu Apr 28 08:38:15 2005]00049:GetPlayerName. returning character_selected = 0
Well have tried several different things, all with same result.

Fresh install with patching only EQ, Kunark, Velious, SoL, PoP - same error

Fresh install with patching to LoY then LDoN, then GoD and OoW - same error

I get a eqgame.exe error that shutsdown the exe. The error in the dbg.txt is always the same.

I even tried updating video drivers from nvidia 66.93 to 71.89(these are listed on EQlive site)

Wanted to play, but guess I will have to wait ;(
So when you get to the server select screen you click 'PLAY' then instead of going to the EQ loading screen it pauses only to go blank and you get a small window saying EQGame.exe has encountered a problem. After that EQ closes because it has frozen?
Yes, if I use eqw the server select screen stays, then the error window pops up.

If I don't use eqw, the server select screen goes away, and the next window pops and immediately minimizes then I get the error window.

I thought maybe it was my firewall, but I have all the eq stuff enabled and the ports open and forwarded(router) to my internal ip for my computer. I have played EQ before with the firewall(Zone Alarm) just fine as long as the game was enabled to run before hand.

I would be glad to provide any information needed to possibly help fix this problem. Not sure if I am the only one with this problem.

System information:

Windows XP Pro
P4 3ghz with HyperThreading enabled.
1gig of ram
Nvidia Geforce 6800, drivers 71.89
Sound Blaster Live, windows drivers
DirectX 9.0c

Everything is up to date as far as I can tell with latest drivers from Windows and manufacturers.

I have played before on this machine, different video card, but I have played.
Desythe, I run Zone Alarm too and have been having a hell of a time making WR run. After reading your post I tried unistalling ZA and installing a free version of the personal Sygate firewall.

I am logging in the game right now at the first try. I will let you know if I can zone safely, camp out, etc.
I logged in, zoned twice, logged out, changed graphic settings, and logged back in at first try. It was ZoneAlarm. I got the personal free Sygate firewall from Tucows, installed it and was good to go in 15 minutes.
I was doing some reading on the eqlive boards for info about the firewall, and possible issues with that.

They posted something about eq opening up a random UDP port. Is there anyway to figure out which port this is opening? They posted anything greater than 1023 udp, but I would rather not have to set a huge range to open/trigger.

I also found this section on ZoneAlarm.

Zone Alarm:

Double click on the Zone Alarm system tray icon (the system tray icon is located in the lower right hand corner of your screen where your clock is)
Click on Program Control
Slide the Tab to the LOW setting
Close the window out and run EverQuest

So I may try this tomorrow when I get home from night shift.

Would rather not have to use a different Firewall, when I have payed for this one already :mad:
Reem said:
So when you get to the server select screen you click 'PLAY' then instead of going to the EQ loading screen it pauses only to go blank and you get a small window saying EQGame.exe has encountered a problem. After that EQ closes because it has frozen?

Desythe said:
Yes, if I use eqw the server select screen stays, then the error window pops up.

I had the exact same problem as you then. Every time after Server Select screen my computer would pause then EQ would shut it self down because it 'encountered a problem'.

While trying to fix it for myself i stumbled across a way to fix it. So perhaps this will fix it for you. I am useing a firewall also and i though for a while that it could have been the problem but apparently not.

Heres what i did, im not sure if it will work for you, go into control panel and open up the Add/Remove programs. Now scroll down and find EverQuest, or EverQuest Gold Edition... whatever version of EQ you are running. Once you have selected it click the Remove/Change button on the right. Now a small window will pop up with a progress bar but soon after will go away. Now at this point a window should pop up with three options, asking you if you would like the Change, ReInstall, or uninstall EQ. Now Click Cancel and run Winter's Roar patcher right after, log on and select WR server. You should be able to run and play WR now... I know this sounds crazy but it worked for me.

Every time i wanted to play on WR i hadto go through this process of going through control pannel to Add/Remove then to EQ but then clicking cancel. i dont know why this works I just know it did for me anyway.

Give it a try... it may work.
Well tried about every combo I could think of from the uninstall thing to uninstalling the firewall. All with same result of eqgame.exe crashing.

Guess I was not meant to play.

Currently have up to LDoN installed and patched. Hotfix and WRpatch.
Well I just fixed my problem, well I was at least able to get into the character create once.
Only thing different was I downloaded and installed the default UI posted in the defaults section.
Well I can make characters, but can't get past that.

When I try to enter the game, it just sits at a black screen with music in the background. No errors messages.
There's a sticky in this forum that deals with the black screen/music thing. It means that you didn't apply the hotfix properly.

Well I am right back to crashing again.

Pretty sure I had the hotfix applied correctly.

Tried some more this morning. Crashing issue was now caused by the .txc files created by the texture cache, deleted those and now I am getting the 1017 error.

Try to get to character select and get booted right back to login screen, login and get the 1017.

Are there any settings I should not enable for WR? ie. texture cache?
I'm now having this problem. I joined over the weekend and have been trying to play the game but whenever I click on the play button it starts to load up only to kick me back to the main menu after a couple minutes. I've tried everything i could think of but still nothing. Any ideas would be helpful cause I really want to play.
Because of all the issues, I decided to patch to live and then follow our procedure to get back to a WR compatible setup. The procedure worked flawlessly for me. I'm not sure what you're not doing, but I do know that there was a recent change in the hotfix (not sure if it was for content or for ease of use).


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