Depends what you consider to be part of the expansions.
For us, an expansion is about the client program and basically encompasses two things: art assets and client features. Currently our server uses art assets from up to the GoD expansion, including weapon models, npc models, and zone geometry and textures. In terms of client features the client we use is a bit behind that, lacking some functionality like the guild manager window and combat ability window. We are, however, working on upgrading to allow us to use the Underfoot client's art assets and most of its features.
In terms of content, though, all our stuff is custom. Zones do not contain the same mobs, nameds and spawn points that you would have found on live at any time; some are radically different in terms of level distribution and/or purpose. Quests are different too. Character classes and their roles are broadly similar, and I've heard people say our server has the "feel" of EQ from some point, but there are some changes; we have some systems and mechanics of our own.
If you're looking for a server that tries to strictly emulate EQ in terms of both content and playstyle, I only know of one (project1999) but as far as I know they restrict themselves to Kunark or maybe Velius. Some other servers over at EQEmulator have EQ-like content, but usually with some server-defining gimmick like "every item is tradeable" or "every item can randomly drop from anything" or "everyone starts with epics."