New to this emulator......


Dalayan Beginner
Im not new to eq but i wanted to get back in to it and im wondering what the servers are like...
are there servers that only go up to a certain exp pack or do all of them max out??
I have up to GoD and I'd like to stay at that exp pack
Depends what you consider to be part of the expansions.

For us, an expansion is about the client program and basically encompasses two things: art assets and client features. Currently our server uses art assets from up to the GoD expansion, including weapon models, npc models, and zone geometry and textures. In terms of client features the client we use is a bit behind that, lacking some functionality like the guild manager window and combat ability window. We are, however, working on upgrading to allow us to use the Underfoot client's art assets and most of its features.

In terms of content, though, all our stuff is custom. Zones do not contain the same mobs, nameds and spawn points that you would have found on live at any time; some are radically different in terms of level distribution and/or purpose. Quests are different too. Character classes and their roles are broadly similar, and I've heard people say our server has the "feel" of EQ from some point, but there are some changes; we have some systems and mechanics of our own.

If you're looking for a server that tries to strictly emulate EQ in terms of both content and playstyle, I only know of one (project1999) but as far as I know they restrict themselves to Kunark or maybe Velius. Some other servers over at EQEmulator have EQ-like content, but usually with some server-defining gimmick like "every item is tradeable" or "every item can randomly drop from anything" or "everyone starts with epics."
Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it. I was interested in 1999 but I don't know if I'd like playing without PoK and the rest of the stuff that came out with PoP...I may give it a go but I'm not sure given that a lot of the content has been tweaked like you say, (I was really stoked to kill Emperor Crush lol) but if I do give it a go, is there any particular server that you would suggest?
I gave up p99 and came here about a year ago. The end game there is garbage, and there are a ton of jerks running around the server. The forums are also full of horrible people.

If you aren't stoked for SoD, EQMac is stopped at PoP I believe. I tried it, but no in game map is meh... I know people on EZ server, but I haven't tried it. I know people still play live/test.

Try SoD, you may find it fun.
I gave up p99 and came here about a year ago. <...> there are a ton of jerks running around the server. The forums are also full of horrible people.

Yeah, SoD is nothing like this


Real talk though, SoD is really cool. Some stuff is mind numbingly boring/ long however, weighing good and bad SoD is amazing. Bad being chasing mobs that spawn once every 4 days when you have no idea when it was last killed. Takes a while to get timers that way. Good being great quests, lore, and much more.
EQ Live TEST-Favorite can copy anything or any character over,very nice community,and super fun in classic,mid,and endgame content.(Free Gold Membership and all 14 Veteran AA's granted for every character and additional 100% exp bonus at all times All Expansions even un-owned ones available no restrictions and I haven't seen any wipes happen myself in past 2 years really)

EQLIVE-Highend Raiders thats about it sucks now if you cant raid 4-7 days a week and arent level 95+

EQLIVE Time Locked Progression-In Prophecy of Ro Expansion Fippy is a bit more population than Vulak but both are hurting and ready for a merge(Requires Gold membership)

Project 1999,EZ,and The Hidden Forest all fun but can be hectic and full of trolls lots of unzipping,and file downloading

SoD Easy Download ,Community is okay but its fairly small still ,other then that has nostalgic feel and is fun.

Fan Faire August 2nd 2013 John Smedly is announcing EQNext its on their Facebook Page be end of 2013 may be launching was scraped before and totally redone so hopefully its worthy.
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