New slow motion video problem


Dalayan Beginner
Alright, I had to downgrade my laptop's new mb from a DV9000 (geforce go 7600) to the old DV6000 (geforce go 6150) and sure enough, the video lag returned with a vengeance. Here's the kicker though: I can run Eve with no issues. I can run Assassin's Creed with no issues. I can run a lot of very demanding things with this video card. Why can't I run a 10 year old game that was designed to work with a 64mb pci video card on my 250mb (not shared) video card? I've got 2gigs of ram and plenty of processing speed.

As a side note, I usually don't have the video lag for a few seconds after I zone.

I have the dual core patchers and all the other stuff. I can run SoD no problem on my desktop with the same internet connection.

Isn't that the strangest thing?
I am having a similer issue so figured I'd put it here. I am also running on a geforce 6150 (TERRIBLE card i know but all i got right now). Now I played this game back in the day on my Celeron 400 with like a 16mb card, later on moved to a 32mb card for the expantions and never had any major issues. Right now in most, but not all zones for some odd reason...I'm getting lagged for about a second every second and a half, makes playing nearly impossible in zones where this happens. I hear my processor running up and down every time the lag hits, so i know its my comp struggling. I've tried everything I can think of from changing graphics settings from top to mid to bottom, got a dual core processor and tried binding with no luck, in other words tried all the usual shit to no avail. Thinking of ripping my 6600 out of my other comp, I know it worked, but that means taking it out of storage, and its not stored in this city, lol. Any help would be appreciated.
I had this issue on my old laptop and that was only because I was running EQPlayNice ... once I stopped using it, the problems went away.
I don't use eqplaynice. Anyone else got any ideas? I'd really like to be able to play this game properly again.
Hi, I had a slowdown problem with no options in the BIOS, changing the "power plan" battery settings didn't do anything. What finally fixed it was downloading a CPU manager that lets you customize everything. I tried a couple and settled on Rightmark cpu clock utility. I don't remember exactly what I did to fix it, but if all else fails, try a CPU utility. good luck.
yeah and another heads up, if your playing on max battery settings and using eq playnice that tends to make your shit run in slow motion as well dpeending on how good your system is.
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