New patcher isn't working?

I have the patcher now (new one) any way u can link the winzip fix pack for WR and the EQW version for WR
I'm pretty sure that the patcher does it all now.. but just in case it doesn't, I'll link those to my website tonight as well and post it, once I get home in about half an hour.

I am not getting anything from the patcher. just sit's at getting patch list, i am reinstalling EQ right now would that make patcher not work right yet?
If you're going to reinstall EQ, then once that is done, patch to EQLive (like you do if you were going to play on SOE's server), then once that is done, patch all the additional files in the ADVANCE button on the EQLive patcher. Once that is done, delete all EQLive Icons and quicklaunch icons.

Once that is done patch using WR's new patcher, and let it do all that it has too.
oka TY ironwolf, now what do I so about not being able to open any webpages/links that have to do with WR but I use to be able to NP
ThunndarrNameless said:
use to enter the website and for the message board
Or you can also access the site if you make some changes to your host file (this is an XP fix)...

The file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc on a WinXP machine aptly named hosts..

Just right click on it, choose open and it will ask you what you want to open it with, choose NOTEPAD

Then add the following two lines below under the last line in the host file.

When your done adding those two lines, click file, and save. And when you access Winter's Roar it will automatically bring you to the site.

(Just remember to put those two lines at the very bottom and make sure to remove when DNS is back 100%)
ozzadars said:
I cant even open your webpage S

You will be able to, the normal server I run is giving me massive problems, so I'm isntalling apache 2.0 for a while tonight.. she'll be up as soon as I can make the neccessary changes. =)
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