Found a few bugs in Grobb, with some of the older quests.
I've /bug reported this one, but I'm adding it here as well just in case as well as in the hopes of knowing if it gets fixed so I can go back and try it again.
Spiritspeaker Notab's first quest ('s_quests_-_Part_I ), where he gives you a "Can not be destroyed and must be trash canned" quest box, is repeatable. Upon completing it, he gives no further quest text options, and hailing him gives you the option to do the quest again, resulting in another "Must be trash canned" box. Only annoying thing about this box is there are no trash cans in Grobb.
The wiki indicates that at least one upon a time, he offered a quest chain, but I'm not sure if thats the case any longer.
And to some extent, the same is true of Spirit Talker Grekal; If you've finished his chain, hailing him gives you his introduction text, his first quest line responce, and then another line of text that says you've done his quests and to move on... But if you give his quest reply, you are able to start his quest line over.