New Error


Dalayan Beginner
this error poped up on the patcher soem time between noon est and 3pm est at least for me...

Loading server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: D:\Program Files\****\*********\spellid.php
Error! New target file checksum does not match source! File: 00000000 Server: 8814bf65

any clues on how to fix this?
I second this error.

I don't have a degree in programming but it looks like a server side file is missing. Or hopefully its a simple fix for us then we get back to questing for ever.
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The issue was indeed server side and has been fixed.

All hail the Devs !

I love you Devs! *throws a bra*
Still hacing problems logging in.

My eqw window opens, then shuts down before anything else loads, but on the positive side the log shows spellid as updating correctly.


The reason why EQW was crashing was because I was trying to run a 3d program ( The program has a setting for EQ just not EQW which created a problem. One day i'll be able to play this game in day...
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Find a solution yet? Just got an IZ3D myself...shows the monitor should work with EQ, don't see why it wouldn't work with SOD.
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