New Character Problem


Dalayan Beginner
The problem i have is that evertime i try to log in with a new character, and click enter world, it freezes with this message coming up

I can still log on to my old characters, so it might have to do with the dream zone. ive tried deleting the files text document and repatching, but it did nothing. All help will be appreciated.
Thanks. Il try that.

Edit:So i should delete the zone text thing for the dream in the /maps folder?
Edit 2:Just deleted the contents of the maps folder and repatched all and its now working. If anyone has the same problem then here is the fix for it.
I have the same problem but that doesn't fix it. I deleted the map folder and repatched but nothing changed. I figured it would be the nightmareb zone files so i deleted those and repatched and that didn't help any. Any ideas on how to help me with this?
I get that exact same message after about an hour to 2 hours into playing my game. Both clients crash to that message, and i cant load them both back up without a reboot of my computer. Would love to find a fix for that. Seems to always happen when i get ballsy and try harder/more mobs :lol:
Hmm, it seems now that if i use eq window the same error message pops up again. But when i dont use it, it works. So try that. (advanced, uncheck eqw)
Iaeolan is right, delete the zone files that The Dream uses and repatch all, will likely fix it - assuming the problem isn't server-side. Only problem lies in knowing what zone files The Dream uses.

Edit: Deleted all the nightmareb zone files in the main EQ directory, repatched all, only file replaced by the patcher is nightmareb_chr.txt, still crashes upon logging in a character into The Dream.

Also tried deleting the entire contents of the maps folder and repatching, as davidov says that's fixed his problem - didn't fix mine.
Having encountered the same problem myself, I tried the various listed fixes, one after another, as well as making differing characters of differing races (Just to see if -that- might have something to do with it). Removed SARS UI, fiddled with the listed files, deleted files, patched files, tried EQ and EQW both, changed resolutions and other graphics settings, effectively 'defaulted' ini's, and just a bit ago, finished reinstalling the -whole game- from scratch and setting up proper.

No luck. This definitely does not seem client side to me, as yesterday an' the day before, I was creating new characters just fine.

Ah well though. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon. I've been, aside from the lack of the Vah Shir (though I can understand the reasons on them quite well), completely impressed with this place, from top to bottom, and from the look of the forums an' the frequency of things getting fixed.. the longest this will likely last is another 12-24 hours anyways.

I will admit to being bloody curious as to what's causing it though. Improper placement of the players, lodging them in an object? An NPC with a 'broken' model or referance? Gods only knows. I just hope, for indulgance of curiousity sake, we'll be told what caused it, after it's fixed. :)

- Shirra
Yep, I get this too. Seems to hapen if I try to log in after I've spent some time surfing and haven't done a reboot (although, mind you, I still have plenty of RAM and am NOT trying to log in a new character, so the situation that initiates the problem is different in my case.) I have found that if I reboot, I can log in fine. However, just the other day this happened, and out of frustration, I just hit the icon again and started all over without a reboot and everything went smoothly. I don't ever see this error while playing, i.e. I never crash to it.... only see it when trying to initially log in. Anyway, its not all the time, only occasionally, and I've learned to just deal with it.
Just like to point out that, from my experience, this is just a generic crash message.
I seem to be having this problem as well with a new character in "The Dream". After selecting the character there's a few seconds of the loading screen, then the client simply exits. Windows does not record this as a crash, the program simply ends.

I've deleted all my nightmareb files and repatched to live then did a repatch all to SoD. No change.
Well, I ran it full screen today and it loaded up fine. I'm not sure if it was fixed anyway or if thats what did it since that was the first thing I did. It seems like a temporary fix if others can get it to work like this just for new characters.
Had the exact same problem - I recently came back to SoD from a fairly long absense. My characters were still here, so I went exploring, and eventually entered the dream. I crashed, and had the exact same window pop up as the OP.

Turning off eqwindows temporarily worked for me as well though.
Believe this has been fixed in a recent patch, as I've successfully created two characters while running EQW.
When i first started play SoD/WR w/e u wanna call it i got the smae message what i did was reinstalled the patcher/EQ game discs and eventaully it worked i dunno if that a big help but Good luck
Oaju said:
When i first started play SoD/SoD w/e u wanna call it i got the smae message what i did was reinstalled the patcher/EQ game discs and eventaully it worked i dunno if that a big help but Good luck

If it's that much of an effort is it worth it?
I think its worth it i mean EQ/SoD is fun and if it will only take a few min to reinstall some stuff i would go ahead and do it but first b4 trying to reinstall EQ redownload the patcher wat i do is download the file to my desktop then i exract it to my EQ directory then when u run the patcher ull get a msg saying to go to the EQ directory do it mines c drive/program files/sony/everquest then click ok once you have done this the patcher will come up, click advanced and unclick Run EQW if this doesnt work then srry i dont know wat to tell u some times it is just luck but once u get a few char made it shouldnt make a diff + ive heard the dream was broken so that might b the prob if all else fails just play a old char
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