Need WR patcher.


Dalayan Beginner
I recently cleared all my EQ stuff and patched up to Loy like i did back when WR was runing and i made a shortcut useing the "eqgame patchme" thing.

But i cant connect to WR and i know i dont have the patcher and none of the links i used here are working, none. I downloaded the zipfile off the and unpacked it as supposed to.

I went into my "Eqhost" file and switched it to, as its posted ealse whare

[Registration Servers]
[Login Servers]

Also i re checked in my windows folder for the DNS problem whare you gota change it to look like.

But i can not get into the game, i got the can't log in to server error 11001 or something, as stated i do not have the WinterRoar patcher so i dont know what to do next for geting on. I get this screen when i click on alot of links.

The system cannot find the path specified.
Getting into the game is easy... FOR NOW>. and only FOR NOW.. don't use the patcher.. follow these steps..

Patch to EQ Live servers..
Download and unzip the SoD files to your EQ Folder
When asked if you want to replace the exhisting file select "YES TO ALL"
Find the EQW.exe in your EQ Folder..

you can double click the EQW.exe from there.. or for easier use later, right click on EQW.exe .. move down to "Send To" and find the "Desktop (create shortcut)" option. After that, you can just double click on the EQW.exe shortcut on your desktop to play SoD.

Keep in mind to UNCHECK the "Run Path Program" after you double click on EQW.exe

That should get it working. Any more trouble with connection to there servers, I would look to a software firewall or a router blocking the ports.
BTW.. your EQHost.txt file should look like this..

[Registration Servers] 
[Login Servers] 
If you are like myself and do not wish to use the EQW you can simply edit the EQ icon on your desktop from the install by right clicking and selecting properties.

Then in the Program tab change.

"c:\program files\sony\evercrack\evercrack.exe"


"c:\program files\sony\evercrack\eqgame.exe" patchme

As mentioned elsewhere note the quotes and spaces. Change this and only this line in the shortcut soe was so nice to dump on yer desktop.

Double click and poof play away.
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