Hi all, I'm dying to get in to SoD as I'm an old school EQ junkie and a couple of my friends just started playing SoD on their PCs. I have an iMac, and my dad gave me a key to Parallels that he got with a software package. Parallels runs fine, and I got all the EQ files from one of the friends that's playing SoD. However, when I try to run SoD patcher pointing to the ********* folder in program files, it starts patching for a second, then quits on me. Sodpatcher.log returns this:
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.80 at 04/12/10 - 00:08:41
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher2/patchlist.php
Loading local file list from \\.psf\Home\Desktop\\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\Chardok_chr.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\EQGfx_Dx8.dll
Checking target: \.psf\Home\Desktop\Mumble.exe
Downloading http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher2/sod/Mumble.exe
And then it craps out. Any ideas? Please help! I need my fix!
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.80 at 04/12/10 - 00:08:41
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher2/patchlist.php
Loading local file list from \\.psf\Home\Desktop\\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\Chardok_chr.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\EQGfx_Dx8.dll
Checking target: \.psf\Home\Desktop\Mumble.exe
Downloading http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher2/sod/Mumble.exe
And then it craps out. Any ideas? Please help! I need my fix!