Need help running SoD on my iMac using Windows XP via Parallels


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all, I'm dying to get in to SoD as I'm an old school EQ junkie and a couple of my friends just started playing SoD on their PCs. I have an iMac, and my dad gave me a key to Parallels that he got with a software package. Parallels runs fine, and I got all the EQ files from one of the friends that's playing SoD. However, when I try to run SoD patcher pointing to the ********* folder in program files, it starts patching for a second, then quits on me. Sodpatcher.log returns this:

Starting SoD Patcher version 1.80 at 04/12/10 - 00:08:41
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Loading local file list from \\.psf\Home\Desktop\\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\Chardok_chr.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files\*********\EQGfx_Dx8.dll
Checking target: \.psf\Home\Desktop\Mumble.exe

And then it craps out. Any ideas? Please help! I need my fix!

I'm not 100% sure on this, but it has been my understanding that SoD doesn't seem to work right on a Mac.
virtual machines don't often have great 3 d graphics support. I would check your graphics driver options in windows xp as i suspect the os probably selected a basic vesa card by default. check that and select any 3d option.

if that doesn't work, i would google parallels and *********. you might want to check the parallels forums to see if there is anything on running ********* as well.
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