Name change problem

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Dalayan Beginner
I recently asked a GM to change my 57 BST's name from Rassiter to Kaladias. I had a bard with the name Kaladias that I had deleted before I rolled the BST. When I went to name my BST the name Kaladias was taken. Once the GM flagged me for namechange we found out that Kaladias was an invalid/taken name; the GM changed it manually for me. After the GM changed my BSTs name to Kaladias, I was still getting the 2 minute "change your name or be disconnected" msg. I informed the GM and she told me she and another GM were working on the issue and that she would change it back to Rassiter, and so I logged out to let her do so. I logged back in, and still had the 2 min warning. I then sent a petition (possibly 2, I got punted when I pressed enter to send the 1st) letting the GMs know I would be logging off. Anyways the reason for this post is just so I can know when my character is available for play, instead of logging in/out (worried that may interrupt any fix that may be forthcomming). I'll be watching this post for the next while, waiting for some kind of GM response, even if its to tell me that the forums here arent online or something. Thanks.
Closing this. The issue was already resolved.

I'm awesome like that (mostly someone else... I forget who).
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