My Vendor


Dalayan Beginner
I was wondering if someone could please explain to me why my vendor was immediately killed off without any warning?

I purchased the first vendor on this server - and the one next to it, which Wiz decided to kill off for some reason and let someone else buy, that I just let go cause I figured it wasnt fair to hoard vendors. Which coincidentally many other people were allowed to do but for some reason not me. Anyways. So I havnt been able to play that much these days, I have been logging in most every day or close to it whenever time allows to check my vendor, add any items I have for it, and make tailored items to start getting those items back out there. And what do I see when I log in this evening? Shes gone and someone else owns it. 48000 to 0 days overnight makes sense to me. I knew the 48000 was an error, but everyone told me "just wait a few days it will reset to 7 or 8 days shortly." I saw no reason to blow 1000 gold if it was going to automatically reset itself to 7 days shortly anyways.

Can you please explain to me how this is fair?


Same thing happened to mine in Oggok.
I stocked it and checked it once a week and payed a bit of cash .......but now its gone ;(
If you didn't pay it, it disappeared. It was bugged so that it didn't need to be payed to survive, and those who took advantage of this, lost their vendor. Pretty simple.
Wait a fucking minute.. My vendor gave me a status report of having 4900+ days left. How do you rehire a vendor for any amount of time if they are telling you they have such a long time remaining?
A bug that i took advantage of? To HELL with that.. There will be no more cash "donation" on my part if the only answer is "you took advantage of a game bug".
It seems to me more like all the vendors were bugged and all screwed at one time. I lost a prime vendor in oggok, unkown amounts of cash.. atleast 800pp in items. And when i send a petition i wait for 3 hours and got a reply from one person saying "i cant do anything about it so i'll wait til someone else who can do something about it logs on"
Well atleast i got a reply.

Hey . If thats the idea around "customer support" fine. i wont be a customer. Its that easy.
Spamming you in the auction channel soon!(all i can do since my vendor is gone anyways)
:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

-Klawde. Screwed necro 65
-Clovis growing necro 35 atm -Never to be platinum donator again-
Same, I lost a prime SNP location. It's impossible to be taking advantage of a bug if you don't know that a bug exists. I was told that all vendors had days added to them and I believed this, so why would I give it more platinum? There's a difference between a bug caused by the administration and actively taking advantage of an exploit. The latter I didn't do, and can be proven since last time I had a vendor bug (received more money than I should have), I reported it and the thanks I got was a disabled account for a couple days.

In short, I lost my vendor just outside the SNP arena to Efficio due to a BUG. There should have been an ANNOUNCEMENT before all the vendors were detached from their owners, and not just stealth changed. Many of us are now suffering from a bug due to this.

I talked to Ritt briefly today but he said he wasn't sure the answer but would forward my problem... I definitely hope something is done about this because it'll be quite the flaw on SoD.
miotch said:
And when i send a petition i wait for 3 hours and got a reply from one person saying "i cant do anything about it so i'll wait til someone else who can do something about it logs on"
Well atleast i got a reply.

Hey . If thats the idea around "customer support" fine. i wont be a customer. Its that easy.

No one gets paid to do this, and if it's Hasritt you're talking about, he's still a trainee and really doesn't have access to "fix" anything -- and neither do I. I'm terribly sorry that our customer service sucks so bad. Next time put up a signal in the sky that looks something like this:

And I'll come running to save you.
Miotch: You're an idiot, plain and simple. I'll be quite happy not to receive your donation anymore, because I don't like players who think they can extort favors out of the staff with their donation status.

Everyone else: The 49000 day thing meant only one thing: That you kept for vendor for longer than you should have. In actuality you should have lost it long ago, and before you lost it there was no 49000 day thing or bug or anything else to excuse your negligence. It is not our fault that you guys can't even pay attention enough to pay your vendor every ten weeks.
If thats the idea around "customer support" fine.

Lol. The words "customer support" shouldn't be associated with a free game, because if you were a customer, that would mean that the GMs/Admin should be getting paid...which we're not. Your choice is to donate, but you won't get special treatment, and no, it doesn't give you authority to throw idiotic threats either. So yeah, good riddance to you. If you want to bitch like that you can go to a pay to play game. Thanks.
Wiz said:
Miotch: You're an idiot, plain and simple. I'll be quite happy not to receive your donation anymore, because I don't like players who think they can extort favors out of the staff with their donation status.

Your mothers an idiot bitch. Tell her to keep her leggs crossed next time so we arent subjected to such an arrogant asshole anymore.
Fuck you
and your bugged assed server
I sure am an arrogant bitch because I don't like people who expect to get around the game mechanics with a donation, eh?

Look, people, of course it sucks to have lost your vendor, but this was not the fault of the 49000 day bug. The very nature of the 49000 day bug is that you kept your vendor after it should have expired. If it hadn't been there in the first place, your vendor would have expired along with your items long ago. It isn't the staff's fault you lost your vendor, it is your own.

Look at it this way: You forget to pay your rent. Someone mysteriously starts paying it for you, and then two months later stops. Is it that person's fault if you get evicted?
Re: samething

vykarsis said:
Same thing happened to mine in Oggok.
I stocked it and checked it once a week and payed a bit of cash .......but now its gone ;(

I'll check the backup, in case yours was somehow erronously removed.

Can you tell me what the owner character was?
My vendor was paid for and was fully active yet it was taken away from me without any worning. I understand taking away the expired vendors from people who weren't paying for them. However; in my case and others like myself, there should be an explanation or at least we should be reimbursed for the items that were on the vendors.
genie said:
My vendor was paid for and was fully active yet it was taken away from me without any worning. I understand taking away the expired vendors from people who weren't paying for them. However; in my case and others like myself, there should be an explanation or at least we should be reimbursed for the items that were on the vendors.

I just checked the backup, your vendor's expire time was Nov 13th.

Yours was Nov 14th, Vyk.

It's possible you people paid it after it expired and simply didn't pay enough to bring it back into positive, but again, it would have expired no matter the 49000 day bug if it had been working right.
I'm understanding the vendor situation better. Most likely vendors expired after they were offline while that dupe exploit was being fixed. I don't recall any offical word but thought the excess days bug was a safe measure for player to secure their vendor after the fix. Indeed those who are inactive or didn't reopen and pay their vendor forfeit them.
I completely agree - If I had never logged back in and never reactivated my vendor, then take it away from me, I dont deserve to waste the space. But that isnt the case - Noone ever told me "this is a bug that will be randomly fixed" - Half the people I spoke with told me that I SHOULDNT pay it because when it was going to be fixed I would just lose the money. I never saw any announcements or news messages saying this wasnt the case, it wasnt like I was trying to abuse it. I mean hell, I went without a vendor for a month or more because it was spitting out endless items but I NEVER took advantage of it and I IMMEDIATELY told a GM. The idiocy of Miotch aside, I really think this is unfair to have these turn over so quickly, without warning, and make us lose all our gear. I had plenty of cash in the bank I wouldnt have thought twice about putting 2, 3 even 4Kpp in it if I had thought for one second it would have done any good or had been informed that it was the case at some point.

I just dont think this is fair and I really wish that the GMs would reconsider this action
Same, it was told to me that since people were still coming over from "the old game" to SoD, the vendors were being kept open and I was told that the administration had extended the time, and my vendor told me that I had days left. So I would have had to have read minds to know that it was expected that I feed my vendor platinum. In short, the administration made a mistake by never announcing the current vendor situation. It was never announced that there were any bugs keeping our vendors open and it was not announced that it was not the fact that they were given extra days even though I saw someone several people say this in OOC. And again, it was not announced that our vendors were going to be stealth disowned if we didn't pay them. I refuse to lose my prime SNP spot vendor in a situation that was out of my control because the administration made a few mistakes.
I doubt it's my place to butt in, but I also see this as being quite unfair. At the very least it's in a grey area. I decided to log on to check out the new vendors, and I noticed both Davan's and Siquros' vendors were taken by players who already own a vendor (Siquros by Efficio, who has one on Gottfried, and Davan by Grommok, who also has 2). I honestly don't see why it would be much of a problem to give them their vendors back, instead of them being owned by players who will most likely sell them.
Elysium said:
I doubt it's my place to butt in, but I also see this as being quite unfair. At the very least it's in a grey area. I decided to log on to check out the new vendors, and I noticed both Davan's and Siquros' vendors were taken by players who already own a vendor (Siquros by Efficio, who has one on Gottfried, and Davan by Grommok, who also has 2). I honestly don't see why it would be much of a problem to give them their vendors back, instead of them being owned by players who will most likely sell them.

I'll deal with Gottfrend/Efficio if this is the same reason, he was already warned for this shit.

Grommok said he took one of the vendors just to give it back to the original owner, I'll reclaim it if that doesn't happen.

There is nothings unfair or grey about this, they didn't pay their vendors.
I might have not looked hard enough, but is there an official (i.e rule) limit on the number of vendors per account or per person due to the ability to make an infinte number of accounts?
Wiz - You know I respect you and I really appreciate what youve done for everyone with this server. But why is it so hard for you to see this thing from our points of view? Obviously a number of people were confused about the way to approach getting their vendors back on a regular pay schedule. Why is it necessary to be so harsh about this?
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