Music Files


Dalayan Adventurer
Quick question:
Is there a way to replace what music plays in certain areas of the game with stuff of my own choosing without screwing anything up?
Ex: Changing Athica's music file to something else to where it will play the music file I put in rather than the original file when I am in Athica.

Thank you.
To my knowledge, just give the desired mp3 file the same name as the one you want to replace and the client will load it up and play it at the appropriate trigger time just fine.

Replacing combattheme1.mp3 and combattheme2.mp3 definitely works, would expect others to be the same.
Also, if you remove combattheme1 and combattheme2 entirely, the game will default to playing one of the classic MIDI battle themes instead. (This is what I do.)

If you remove eqtheme.mp3 the classic loading screen music and character select MIDI musics will play. (This is what I do. I like eqtheme.mp3 as a standalone EQ-related musical composition, but it never felt right as a loading/charselect rendition to me compared to the classic themes. eqtheme.mp3 just sounds a little too sprightly to my ears to sound fully appropriate for either.)

I would expect that if you remove deaththeme.mp3 the classic MIDI death theme plays instead, but I haven't tested that. (I instead use Electric Funstuff's "Has Anybody Here Seen My Corpse?" - a comical song about corpse runs in classic EQ - as my deaththeme.mp3 - takes a surprising amount of the emotional sting out dying at times).

Btw, for anyone who is curious, mountainpass.mp3 is the background music for Mountain Crags of Tarhyl (the Vah starting city zone) - but it's one of my favorite mp3s in the entire soundtrack so I don't personally change it. I just figured I'd mention it since its filename isn't that obvious and was one I didn't even know myself till recently.
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