Murk issue


Dalayan Adventurer
Character of occurrence: Quintle (65 Druid)
I was killing some mobs (undead gruploks) with a group in The Murk. A parched gruplok spawned, I gave it water, I got faction. I decided to give it another drink to see what would happen, I gained faction, again. I attempted to give it a drink a third time, faction was not acquired and the drink was not returned to me (this is all relevant to my issue).
Once I obtained 10 shattered gruplok remains, I went to Healer Kathrinka to turn them in. Once I turned them in, I did not obtain faction, exp, or quest dialogue, but the same drink I had given the parched gruplok earlier. The 10 shattered gruplok remains were not returned to me.
I've hailed her, attempted to give her the next quest piece, checked my bank and inventory, hailed and attempted to give QP's to Gruklikh the Apothecary, logged in and out.... but nothing has worked.
May I ask for the 10 shattered gruplok remains back? Or maybe a successful dialogue/faction/exp from Healer Kathrinka? I'm not particularly fond of the idea of collecting 10 more shattered gruplok remains if I don't need to. Plus, I fear that even if I do, leaving this unresolved may result in something tragic happening to the remains, again. :O
Thank you.
Oh. Silly me. I forgot to mention that I did /petition. Admin-Tao directed me to the forums. More specifically to look for a Dev to help me.
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i do not see how this sequence of events could happen... 1 mob cannot know what you gave to another mob and would certainly not give it back?? not saying it didn't happen just saying that i would like to see this bug repeated in controlled circumstances because it is not a script issue
Update: Soon before the patch, I /petition'ed about this concern once more and shortly thereafter received 10 shattered gruplok remains. I've yet to turn them in to see how it goes, but wanted to say Thank You, either way.
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