Most wanted high end class?

On Rodcet Nife, my DE Mage was the last person to be camping Drelzna for the jboots prior to their "departure" from the mob. Stayed up way to late that night, I was last on the list...and the server coming down in hours.

All in the group but I got the boots, and it was because everyone else left..and on one else was in the zone/in the group to kill her.

I was able to keep the room killed for 2 rotations as a 20 mage...but the third killed me. The server went down 30 minutes later.

Such are the memories of Verant Live...

But, I miss the constant camps at EC orc camps, skeley ruins, nro bandits, Oasis (did anyone mention puppy pets....), ...

It was a "NBG, pickup group" game then... but it slowly turned into "greed or friends only."
Yeah... When I came back the first time... I was surprised that only small guilds were still NBG... pickup groups were ALL greed and anything bigger than the smallest guild was "Leaders... then Leaders alts... then Leaders friends... then Leaders friends alts... then when you've done 500 raids and fully geared 3 different warriors for every officer in guild, you can loot some boots. Then repeat for the officer's SK alts to get a pair of gloves.
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