Missing enchanter animation models?


Staff member

I spoke with someone who said they mostly could not see animation models (meaning nothing at all showed up most of the time, not even swords). Has anyone else seen this? I'm trying to sort out what might be going on, and whether it's a game issue or a client problem. I suspect the latter, but thought I'd ask.
I was bugging Taryth the other day on this, thanks for posting. My problem is I can't see the Animation graphics in Yclist at all. It's just a big blank. Luckly I have target rings now to know what to run behind! Usually I"m used to seeing giant humans instead but not this time. Along the same lines, I can't see the knight Vah swords at all either.

I tried using Patch All but no luck.
Just a clarification, I can see the normal enchanter pets fine but not the named Animation model.
Yesterday, I had to repatch all to fix something I broke, And when I got back in game I noticed my Ancient animation pet no longer showed its weapons, not even after I Gnomed it. Can't check if they're really there with /cmd petinv either because they never show up in that menu. Also, the dopey pet PUNCHES with its default sword anyway, so no telling by combat messages, either.
I'm not a texture expert, does Animation use the same swords as the ancient pet? Maybe that's an issue - something messed up with the texture of the swords perhaps? Like I said, I don't know much about textures.

Might be able to do something about the punches messages though - is it all enchanter pets that do that? Or just that one?
I'm not a texture expert, does Animation use the same swords as the ancient pet? Maybe that's an issue - something messed up with the texture of the swords perhaps? Like I said, I don't know much about textures.

Might be able to do something about the punches messages though - is it all enchanter pets that do that? Or just that one?
I'll need to look into this texture business later on, but I'm fairly sure that all ENC pets punch. They even do the punch animation as opposed to swinging their weapon downward. This is fixed if they're given new weapons, but the base weapons seem only to exist as dummy models for show. However, the earliest pets use daggers, so slashing messages wouldn't work for them all...
This is fixed if they're given new weapons, but the base weapons seem only to exist as dummy models for show. However, the earliest pets use daggers, so slashing messages wouldn't work for them all...

Grinkles, I seem to remember in your texture thread when you colored the enchanter pet (to show everyone what it looked like for real) it just looked like a base human model with a funky head animation/discontinuity (I'll try to find the exact post you made later).

Could the fact that the enc pet is really just an invisible naked human with phantom weapons be the reason for the base weapons not only not showing up via /cm petinv but also the base punch messages?
I can confirm that, at least on my end, only the Ancient ENC pet shows up as completely invisible. Lesser ENC pets spawn with their shield / weapon intact.
Could the fact that the enc pet is really just an invisible naked human with phantom weapons be the reason for the base weapons not only not showing up via /cm petinv but also the base punch messages?
I believe that Waldoff or someone once explained that the pet punched because its weapon and shield were not actually real; they're simply set to display those held item models and the sword and shield don't actually correspond to any real items in the databse. Therefore, the pet punches. Still seems pretty silly.... I always thought they ought to be real so the pet's fancy new sword and shield actually represented upgrades (maybe in the form of whack/bash procs or at least some worn stats of some kind), but I suppose the whole thing is really just a facelift to go along with the only real upgrade the pet represents -- a slightly higher level over the pre-Ancient pets.

EDIT: Also confirmed that it is not a race model issue. When I hand the Ancient pet a weapon manually, it still equips it and the weapon shows up as it would normally; therefore, this suggests the issue is in the dummy sword and shield it normally spawns with. Perhaps if it's due to be revisited in order to be fixed, the chosen sword and shield models may benefit from being altered. Just a thought!
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Yesterday, I attempted to equip my Shield of the Misplaced Thoughts and noticed that it also no longer shows up. I have yet to confirm it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the item ID# for this shield were also in the same gequip_.s3d file that handles the ENC Ancient pet's sword and shield. Could something in a recent patch have corrupted one of these gequip files, or the corresponding .wld file therein?

Also, has anyone ever mentioned perhaps giving the Ancient animation the appearance of race 175, a.k.a. Enchanted Armor? (Think of the animated armor guys in Dreadfang Spire.) With Zaela's recent suite of programs, an alternate texture could even be devised. Just a wishful thought, though I admit it'd entail adding yet another model to the global list....
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