minor sod linux issues


Dalayan Adventurer
I have sod running under linux using wine, but have a couple of small problems that I wonder if anyone has seen and resolved.

When I use the arrow keys to turn my toon, if I press and hold the key the tune will turn and spin normally for the first quarter turn then continue to turn but very slowly until I release the key and repress it. Then the pattern will repeat.

The second issue is I cannot alt left mouse click on an item in my inventory and bring up the items info window. I can click on any linked item and bring up the items info, I just can't "alt left click" an item.

Anyone else seen this or resolved the problems?


Somun, lvl 65 Necro
you sound like your using ubuntu. ubuntu has a shortcut that when you alt+click a window you move it. just change your shortcut.
the arrow key moving is probably a repeat error in wine or linux. wine use to have a problem with only being able to press the number pad one time before it stopped working and this problem sounds similar to that. i can't remember the fix for it but it at least gives you a starting point.
Thanks for the help, I don't have a fix for the second problem, but I found the shortcut mapping and that resolved the alt click issue.

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