Melee Attack Bug


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all,

today I logged my Bard on to farm some lower end TS stuff and couldn't get him to swing at all at mobs.

Tried multiple targets, all in range and hit auto attack. Got the "Auto Attack on" message and the red border around target but did not swing at all, also graphic didn't show any swings.
While the mob was hitting me I did get a riposte on it once in a while.
Weapons equipped: Ruby Hilted Longsword and Fillet Knife.

Songs are working fine btw.

Logged him on with another computer, same result.

Couldn't find any wrong entrys in the options, but didn't change anything there anyway since it worked last time.

So basically: I have a Bard with zero melee abilities.

Any ideas how that can be solved would be highly appreciated.

Try turning attack off and on again, and see if you start swinging. I have noted the same a couple times myself, and that always seemed to work.
Did that multiple times on multiple mobs, but without any result.

Also tried other weapons, tried static as well as roaming mobs in different zones (all green cons).

The game just doesn't seem to realize that I'm attacking, can't find anything more on my side to test.
Funny thing is that all songs are working, can kite just fine.
Does it only happen on your bard, have you tried melee on any other toon at all? When did it start, just after this last patch, or before that? HAve you tried stripping the toon of all gear and seeing if you swing? (Try a green in cent hills or something for that test.)
aye, that happens only on my bard. Any other Melee works fine (same comp).

Last time I had my Bard online and was Meleeing was Sunday, did a R1 Bounty in DN. Everything was fine.

I tried unequipping gear, slot by slot, turning attack on and off after each piece without result.
Asked other Bards online if they have similar problems, but I seem to be the only one, so I doubt that's a Bard related problem.

I tested all kinds of stuff in newbie zones for about three hours before posting here, just can't think of anything else that I could try at the moment.
For a lack of a better suggestion, go into the eq folder, and delete your ui file for that toon, and see if that clears up the problem.
I know this sounds weird, but are you actually getting messages about you attacking? In terms of seeing damage listed.
There is a way to turn off the attacking animation, which ive done on accident, and if thats the case you may have to turn that back on.
It's a bug with Pristine weapons due to oversight from the item changes. I hear we are patching tonight, should be fixed then.
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