Mantle of the Apprentice/Senior/Ele Quest - Broken Faction?


Dalayan Beginner
This quest begins in the Erudin Palace with Lady Niall.

The first level of the Quest, the Mantle of the Apprentice is accomplishable by all non-KOS players (i.e. Dubios). The Quest Reward is a No Drop "Mantle of the Apprentice", which you gain by submitting 8 bat fur.

You also gain faction with The Burning Eye, the ERUD Mag/Wiz/Enc Faction.

The Second Portion of the Quest requires better faction, probably Amiably.

The problem lies in that EVERYONE cons Dubious to the Quest NPCs, and there appears no real way to elevate your faction with The Burning Eye.

I asked a level 7 Erudite Enchanter, with no Illusion cast, what his Con was to Lady Abyrall, the Enchanter GM, and one of the Quest NPCs was, and he too was Dubious.

Illusion: Erudite obviously did nothing to change my faction with any of the quest givers, since even Eruds are Dubious with their own!

Is this right?

Ice-Nine posted a guide to this quest on the Sigh In Tranquility Forums, and on The Sodwiki documenting the fact that Illusion: Erudite used to raise his faction high enough to complete the 2nd and 3rd levels of the quest, so something must have changed.

Is this intended, and is there an easy way to raise faction that I'm just unaware of?

Thanks for your Help,

Angbor Halflingtosser
High Elf Enchanter

Formerly of Karana
Barbarian Shaman
Yay! The faction is fixed!

Erud Casters are now Indifferent to the Burning Eye.

Hopefully I will be able to complete the quest now..
Re: mantle of the apprentice/senior/elements

I am still having problems with this quest. I have had the erudite illusion, and I can't get Lord Mantak to speak to me. I give him the mantle of the apprentice, and he simply returns it. I am indifferent when I con him with the illusion on. I tried giving the shark skin, kodiak claws, tentacle and mantle to Abyrall and she just returns the items as well. She is also indiffernt when I am in the illusion.

Is the quest still broken or am I doing something wrong?
I couldn't get Lord Mantak to speak to me either. Not as a High Elf or a a Erudite (I made a new Erudite Mage, the very guild whose master is Mantak). I didn't think about faction. I had no idea. Okay, I'll report back if I get better faction. Er..are there any quests that raise faction with the Burning Eye? Hmm. I don't yet know of any.
I tried the upgrade from Mantle of the Senior to Elemental Mantle today and it's not working for me either. I have the unfinished mantle but Lord Hantar (who cons indifferent) does not respond to hails with anything other than his default text, and when handed the unfinished mantle merely hands it back. For fun I tried handing it back to the other quest NPCs with no effect, though Lady Niall was kind enough to give me a spare Mantle of the Apprentice for my now cold and shivering shoulders.
Since none of the GM's or Wiz have responded to confirm or deny the quest is broken, I am going to go under the assumption that the reason people cannot do this quest is due to the inappropriate faction. As of yet though I have been unable to find a way to raise Burning Eye faction. If anyone finds a way please let me know. Thanks.

I've done just about every newbie quest in Erudin (some nice equipment for casters in those quests!), and I'm fairly certain none of them raised faction with the Burning Hands. I've tried hailing each NPC in each of the three Burning Hands guilds, and no responses. No quests I can find. There are a few more quests in town of course, one of which is where you turn in idols from each of the kobold tribe leaders or something. I'm not high enough lvl to do it yet. Once I get there, I'll report back on that as well.
Tried doing this today with indifferent faction and no luck. I'm pretty sure there is no way to raise Burning Eye faction except by doing the Mantle of the Apprentice quest which isn't quite enough faction to do the next part.
It is also not possible to complete the mantle of the apprentice multiple times. If you destroy your Mantle of the Apprentice, and approach Niall again, she just gives you a new one.

This quest was broken with the wide-spread faction change, requiring questing to raise most factions beyond indiffirent. Unfortunately this quest doesn't have a very high profile, so it was not mentioned in the discussion revolving that original patch.

Hopefully Erud casters will be brought back to Amiable Faction to Erudites, or a new quest will be written to raise faction.
I'm really wanting to do this quest. I love my Erudite magician and this is the one quest I can't do, and it's driving me nuts. A bit.
That's very odd. I'll check into that in the case of Erudite casters. It's very doubtful that other races will be allowed to do the quest, but Erudite casters should most definitely be able to do it.
Another data point, since I was able to find shark blood for the Staff of the Magi quest I conned Lord Hanar before (indifferent) and after completing the quest (amiable). At indifferent he returned the mantle without comment, at amiable he returned an elemental mantle and gave experience and more faction.

It appears that faction is definitely the stumbling block here, which is not that bad a thing if there were a few mid-level quests that gave Burning Eye faction. Which there probably are, just not on the Wiki.
Xeldan said:
That's very odd. I'll check into that in the case of Erudite casters. It's very doubtful that other races will be allowed to do the quest, but Erudite casters should most definitely be able to do it.

Any status on this? :)

Edit: Tried it again yesterday and it's still broken. Ah well.
No luck here with the quest for me. Illusion Erudite does not work I can verify that, and I have been unable to get ahold of an Ambassador's Writ + Erudite illusion to see if that does anything.
I actually have a question about common are the kodiak claws?

I've killed a good 50+ kodiaks now (counting bloodfrenzied and tamed) and haven't seen one drop, is this normal?


Killed several kodiaks, maybe 150-200? I didn't really keep track, that figure might be a bit high, too. Either way, it was enough to get two level 30 characters to level 31 when they were both at about 20% of a level before starting. I have spent about five hours total trying to find one of these claws but have yet to see one drop.

Talking to other players in game leads me to believe that the drop is supposedly somewhat common: "See them all the time," and, "Pretty common drop," were the two responses to my question regarding their drop rate. However, asking other people who were around the kodiaks while I was killing them, I found that others had yet to see any claws as well.

Is the drop rate bugged? Have I had a freak run of bad luck? Did the people who find the claws just get lucky? I'd like to finish this quest so if anyone has any possible answers or solutions, I would greatly appreciate a response.

Odd, I've been linked the Mantle of the Senior before, was the quest at one point working and now broken?
I tired the second quest in the series today. The first quest was fine, but the second one would not trigger (Lord Mantak) with Indiff faction. Had on Erudite illusion, and used faction spell.

I really do hope that this quest is for all races though, since its a fun one to do. Even if it means that you need to get an Erudite illusion (help of an enchanter), it would be nice to do.
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