mad props to wiz


Dalayan Beginner
I wasn't truly convinced this server was for me till the gm event today. The evil lord roleplaying was just awesome. so much better then live. i just want to thank wiz for having such an awesome server and giving me the best eq related time ever.
I second that. Awesome GM event. Props to Wizzy and the GM staff on it.
It was nice to see the level bump also. Great job on the event and ideas.

Legion of Kaezul
Yeah, I just kinda feel bad that I joined up with the lord without getting to kill anyone from GotW. I really hoped that you would give us some sort of PvP thing on. But it was fun, indeed it was. Oh and erh ding 60 btw. :D
Hey, I have to agree WintersRoar has completely renewed my interest in a game I had long since given up. It's a new experience and the support and gm events are really great.

I didn't really get to stay long at the sunday event. Crashed a few times and I had to run to some basketball games. Really cool though, the place felt so alive will all those people there. I miss that.

what the hell does props mean?

it's old american slang. hardly used since the early 90's.

mad props = alot of respect and thanks basically.
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