Live Client?


Dalayan Beginner
When people talk about the live client is that referring to the now F2P EQ client? If so, is it easy to patch to Titanium (or any other accepted patch here) with that client? Thanks in advance for your replies.

P.S. I'd check myself with the download but I'd need to make space for it so I'm just asking here first >.>..
never done it myself, but rumor has it you can download the Live client ( yes the now f2p everquest) and then just run the SoD patcher in the directory and be good to go. Dunno if anyone has sucessfully done this. but our Admin (Waldoff) says it is now doable!
I mentioned it before, and yes, a couple people that have posted in this forum have used the eq live client download, and then patched sod and had it work just fine.
I mentioned it before, and yes, a couple people that have posted in this forum have used the eq live client download, and then patched sod and had it work just fine.

Do I have to JUST download then run the sod patcher? Or do I need to install and THEN run the patcher?
download the live version, and run the install. Then download sod patcher, and link it to that folder, run the sod patcher (might need repatch all), and poof, there you go.
i heard some zones don't work. namely, mistwoods & something else i cant remember
Does using the live client mean I can use more recent features like the bandolier,
/hidecorpses looted,target cycling etc. ?
No. You get reverted to our client version when you patch to us; you wouldn't be able to log in to our server otherwise.

I would be forcing everyone to download it and using the thousands of cool weapons models if I could! But alas.
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Wiz has said that he has fixxed that as part of the patching process.

maybe this is why all the requests for zone files suddenly just stopped! but yah it used to be mistwoods, darkwoods, plaguelands and a few others that i don't remember off the top of my head
yeah, mistwoods, plaguelands, freeport zones, and Nwot/Swot/Oasis were all trouble issues before, iirc. I just wonder if he waited to post it until EQ went "free", or whether he truly did just finally work it out. Either way, it means no longer having to find the titanium disks, which is plenty awesome.
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