Just dl'd and installed Shards of Dalaya but..


Dalayan Beginner
Ok so I correctly followed all the instructions, even the stickied post in the tech help forum. I am still unable to get the game to work. I keep getting: ERROR String not found (303). I even deleted then reinstalled the patcher, still nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
need more information.

What kind of install? Operating system? Anything you can give us.
it says error: string not found (303)
figured i should include the error message incase it helps.
i sware windows xp was soo much mroe friendly than 7..least its not as bad as vista
think i may have found the problem i only installed gold edition. time to go back up the attic and try to find loy/depths and all those other expansions i use2 have lol.. i hava feeling this could take awhile.
95% of the time this error is due to installing a non compatible version of EQ & trying to run the patcher. Evolutions, etc., any "trial" deal will not work.
so i have regular/kunark/luclin/planes of power/depths of darkhollow. which ones am i missing?
i had bought the others digital download from SOE back in the day. so trying 2 figure out if i need them or if im out of luck until **** Finaly comes back online? which from what i heard isnt going to be till around end of may begining of june which is half a month away.
sweet it is back up .. now just gotta figure out how to download digital versions of percuhased exapnsions
thank you !
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