Just Checking


Dalayan Beginner
I played EQ in it's early days and miss it tremendously. I just saw this and am rly lookin forward to playin. I just need to know if I can just reopen my EQ acount and DL what I had before and if so can I play w/ what I have. I activated the following expansions back when I played:
The Ruins of Kunark
The Scars of Velious
The Shadows of Luclin
Planes of Power
The Legacy of Ykesha
The Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Gates of Discord
Depths of Darkhollow

I believe that the only thing I am missing is Dragons of Norrath. Do I need this to play?

If I activate the account and DL the ones I have will they work? or is it possible that patch info will cause problems?

Thank you for your help in advance.
* The Ruins of Kunark® expansion
* The Scars of Velious® expansion
* The Shadows of Luclin™ expansion
* The Planes of Power™ expansion
* The Legacy of Ykesha™ extension
* The Lost Dungeons of Norrath™ expansion
* Gates of Discord™ expansion
* Dragons of Norrath™ expansion
* Omens of War™ expansion
* Depths of Darkhollow™expansion

This would be EQ "Titanium", you're good to go with this crap. This is all posted around this forum plus many other pieces of info you'll need to know
I am aware of this. That is why I posted the question. If you search the forums you get conflicting responses. Some say that if I DL the software from SoE it will not work due to updates. Some say I need all the expansions that are in Titanium to play, others say that I can play w/out the one I don't have(Dragons of Norrath). I spent alot of time searching and reading to find this answer prior to posting. I would simply like some clarity before I go and pay for the wrong thing.
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