Instincts and Intentions: The Sihala Quest Bug Thread


Staff Emeritus
Quest Completed! First by Onadan (played by Odyn), Beittil second, followed by Ratkon (played by Dzillon), and Lizzlefritz fourth!

In an unusual bout of productivity (and to kill some time while SOMEONE swears to Tarhyl and does his quest) the Sihala quest is now live!

I like this one, its been on the backburner for awhile, and has probably the best ending fight I've done yet. The free contact period is over, and all questions and bug reports must be done in the forum.

Known Issues:
*The Faentharc event doesn't always trigger - The quester MUST get the final blow on the trigger mob. Quester doesn't have too for any other part of the event, the whole group can get credit.
*The treekeepers planar quest doesn't end! - It does in fact end, but no message is given when all 4 are done. Go talk to him, he'll know when you've succeeded. Also the bag of seeds is useless after you finish that part, I'll have a turn in for it later.

Fixed Issues:
*Sihala is in the game. She looks kinda old though...
*Quarter Dark Essence don't drop! - They are no longer needed, use 10 Shade Essences instead, or do the alternative.
*Augment breaks Charms - Not anymore! Equip away!
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As an update, the marathon playing front runners are approaching the quests end, with no major game breakers yet.

The aug doesn't appear to be equipable yet (it makes your charm not work... you'd think I'd have tested that after the Althuna Quest), but this will be fixed next patch.
If it'd be possible to repop the quest NPC it would be great, it's been down since at least 11pm GMT last night.
About the part where you have the choice between handing 4 small things or one big of the same thing, I was wondering if people who've done it successfully managed to turn-in the 4 small version. It appears no NPC in Earth accepts them, it's not combineable in any container, no Lore with identify, no clue about what to do with it. Just wanted to check if I'm missing something, cause the quest text is rather clear about it - only the journal is blurry about "constructing" a thingie.
EDIT : toon is Ratkon
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I can find no issue with the code at hand. Can you PM me the name of the item you are trying to hand in?
Those hunting for Essences in Whisperling should know, that a drop the 'Shade Essence' despite being named properly, is NOT the item you need to collect 4 of. You need something far rarer, a quarter of something. The Shade Essence should NOT be dropping for you at all actually...

This is no longer valid. Shade Essences are now what you are looking for and you need 10.
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Last night while working on this quest, my buddy the Tree Keeper gave me a bag of weed and sent me out to a few of the Planes to plant the magic plants and see if they would work out well :)

So I asked my buddy Cinn to come along and we went. First Torment. I planted the seed, we removed the element of surprise and alas. The emote said I should move on. Ok, Nightmare then... same thing happened. Next was Entropy, here I saw 2 spots to plant my weed, I took one of them and alas... I had to move on. Ok, that could mean only one thing: I had to be in PoFire.

But alas, in PoFire i got the "you should move on" message for the 4th time. WTF, I thought. Anyway, we went back to Entropy, because it had a 2nd plantspot. Seeded it, killed the surprise and again, I got the message I should move on. Later the first spot popped again and we took that as well. (Nice -near-free xp btw :p)

Am a I missing a Plane that the Tree Keeper forgot to tell me about? Should I just keep cycling trough these 4 planes, planting new life untill i get some different emote? Or is it broke?

Halp pls.
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Hmm. Should only be one in Entropy, I'll have to remove one of those things... and fix the graphic by all accounts, which should be nothing...

Try speaking with the Treekeeper again. I think I just forgot to give a 'done' message. This will be fixed, but if you got the message, you SHOULD be fine to move on.
I shall return to PoE as soon as I get home tonight. I will edit in the result.

Edit: Success, Tree Keeper continued the quest. I guess your assumption that you missed the proper emote is correct :)
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Those hunting for Essences in Whisperling should know, that a drop the 'Shade Essence' despite being named properly, is NOT the item you need to collect 4 of. You need something far rarer, a quarter of something. The Shade Essence should NOT be dropping for you at all actually...

After checking the drop rates of the Quarter essence... I have decided to make Shade Essences the drop after all. You'll need 10 of them, and the turn in currently works. Quest dialog is being change to reflect this.
After checking the drop rates of the Quarter essence... I have decided to make Shade Essences the drop after all. You'll need 10 of them, and the turn in currently works. Quest dialog is being change to reflect this.

Man, i had SOOOO many rot already farming that zone :D Lol... Collecting now.

But really, SOOOO many and not a single of the proper item spotted... i was even at 2% tome and counting from killing those shades :D
I think i got bugged while hunting for treants in Faentharc.

First time around i decided to check it out alone, so I started killing and it turned out they were harder they I expected. So after the first kill i brought in a wizzy bot and continued. After the set timelimit had had barely managed to kill 75% of them. So i decided to call some more help and run for it again.

This time with 2 dps'ers and running from the the start i should be able to make it. But, as soon as i killed the intial treant... Sihala reminded me of my timelimit and after that not a SINGLE of the other treants were detectable in the zone. Not one.

Sihala will not respond to me, other then sending me back to Faen. And i cant kill new trees now :( Pls help.

At first i thought maybe the treants hadnt met their respawn time yet, but if that were the case i should have at least been able to detect those that i didnt manage to kill yet.

Also, side question that u may or may not answer: Do i have to get the killshots myself? Or doesnt it matter if it is a groupmate?
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I have triggered the 45mn also, but I've never gotten hold of any other stalk. I retriggered it after like an hour, this time I had the 45mn msg 3times, but still coudn't locate anything (I had a druid for track and FoE each time).
Deffo something wrong here it seems.
I believe the bug occurs if the quester doesn't get the killing blow on the trigger mob. I'll find a work around, but for now, make sure the person with the quest, kills that first treant.
I passed this part (Tnx Kas :)). Works fine indeed as long as the quester gets the opening kill.

Some points I encountered:
1) I got the warning of Sihala several times, just as Dzillon says.
2) If you fail (time limit expires) there is no further warning. You just have to assume you failed and start over. Compared this to the trial you have to do for Althuna, where you have the NPC call out the remainder of the time you have!
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1) I got the warning of Sihala several times, just as Dzillon says.
2) If you fail (time limit expires) there is no further warning. You just have to assume you failed and start over. Compared this to the trial you have to do for Althuna, where you have the NPC call out the remainder of the time you have!

I'll look into the first one. Did you have multiple people in the group doing the quest? Would you mind telling me who they all were anyway?

I'll get something up and running to make the second one happen.
When i succeeded this part my group was as follows:

- Beittil (Played my me)
- Jobaa (Played by me)
- Sazir (Played by Kas)
- Kemper (Played by Kas)

Only Beittil was doing the quest and got the message from Sihala twice.

The augs should be equipable now. Could someone confirm this.
Willing to try this (can do when i get home around 5.15pm CET), can i bother you with a direct tell if i cant equip the charm after combining?
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You are welcome too, or you can just use an acid to get it out, that'll still work. If anyone can try them sooner post it please.
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