How to turn off bard sounds?


Dalayan Beginner
Whenever I'm grouped with a bard, I get the sound of someone chain casting a summon spell over and over and over and over again. I've got bard songs disabled in my options, but regardless I still get spammed with the sound effect. Anyone else experience this, and more importantly, know how to resolve it?

And If I can preemptively say 'lol don't group with bards' and 'turn your speakers off', that should eliminate the most likely smartass replies.
This is not the first time the subject has been brought up. *smile* It was mentioned once before HERE, HERE, and again in the most recent thread entitled "The Official 'Discuss Bards' Thread" which I have quoted below ...

JayelleNephilim said:
nimnim said:
Garluk said:
nem-x said:
Can there be an option to have bard songs have no sound effects at all? I've had to turn down my sounds because they were driving me mad.

I'll add my "amen" to that comment. I love playing with sound, but if there is a bard around I have to turn my speakers off. The sound from bard songs makes me not want to have one around and I really REALLY like what they bring to the group/raid.

Please oh please is this possible.

Other than this 2 thumbs up for the recent bards changes

Not to be redundent but, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with a cherry on top! I've had to turn my sound down as well, and have gone as far as avoiding groups with bards (and those with the froggy jars -- those songs are just as distracing!) because it was so awkward to play with no sound at all. :(

Wiz said:
iaeolan said:
Not to be redundent but, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with a cherry on top! I've had to turn my sound down as well, and have gone as far as avoiding groups with bards (and those with the froggy jars -- those songs are just as distracing!) because it was so awkward to play with no sound at all. :(

Pretty sure this has been asked quite a few times and the problem is client side, so it cant be fixed.

Yep. I would if I could.
Mad props to Jayelle's superior search abilities!

Since this is the case, I wonder if it's possible to replace the source audio file that has the 'summoning' sound effect with a blank one.
If you play with old spell graphic effects on, bard songs don't have those loud sound effects on them.
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