Hi, I'm new...sweet...my first question...


Dalayan Beginner
This shards thing looks pretty cool. I'm convincing myself its okay to play this temporarily, as it somehow may be less addictive and time consuming than other MMORPGS? (its just an excuse for myself).

So being a total newb of course I have a list of 129503 questions.

The first one is:

What should I do if I dont have EQ? I have read the directions, it says I should install and patch everquest up to LDON.

I am currently playing Escape to Norrath (free trial).

Should I just buy regular everquest 1 with 0 expansions to play? Is there a place I can DL it for free? OR could I even buy it and download it online? May be kind of tricky to find EQ1 without any expansions where I live but I suppose I could if I had to.

you will need to buy the game, any form of the game works as far as i know, because you can download all of the expansions when you patch to live. i think most people buy the platinum edition or whatever
Thanks for answering my question man.

My next question is: do you need an active subscribtion to patch to live?
malcolmlo said:
This shards thing looks pretty cool. I'm convincing myself its okay to play this temporarily, as it somehow may be less addictive and time consuming than other MMORPGS? (its just an excuse for myself).

So being a total newb of course I have a list of 129503 questions.

The first one is:

What should I do if I dont have Game? I have read the directions, it says I should install and patch the Game up to LDON.

I am currently playing Escape to Norrath (free trial).

Should I just buy regular the Game 1 with 0 expansions to play? Is there a place I can DL it for free? OR could I even buy it and download it online? May be kind of tricky to find EQ1 without any expansions where I live but I suppose I could if I had to.

first off, it won't be any less addictive.

secondly, I don't know how escape to norrath works... but i'm fairly sure you could patch the rest of the files you need w/o ever buying the box set from Live.
Escape to Norrath doesnt have the patcher, it doesn't have anything to do with SoD. It's just a demo basically.

After buying the game you have to patch up to and including LDoN, maybe GoD also since some zones have been popping up on Zone Connect messages :psyduck:
Thanks for the advice.

I really like the idea that SoD has built-in features to make the game less of a time sink.

So, i am wondering.

Last time I played EQ was when LDON first came out.

From what ive read, since then they made leveling "easer and faster" in the REAL EQ. Then regarding SOD i also read leveling is faster and easer than EQ.

So I guess my next question is: The new "adventure band" system aside, lets say i were a lvl 1 necro. Whats a reasonable amount of time it might take me to make it to 65 on SOD as apposed to say EQ? In days played?

I know its hard to estimate depending on play style. But mostly I just grind, quest, and group where I can. Dont waste much time roleplaying or doing other things until i hit 65.
The adventuring bands won't benefit you unless you've got other people you're banded with. If all you did was make a bunch of characters and banded them with each other, you'd actually progress more slowly than if you played them separately, but the point of the band is to keep people together, not exp as fast as possible.

If all you did was grind out levels, you could easily be 65 within a month, starting from scratch. If you're hardcore, maybe 2 weeks? I never enjoyed that playstyle, myself, but if that's what you want there you have it.
Gah... 1 month? Heh... I'm not hardcore, obviously... not by a long shot! People keep saying stuff like this, but this really depends (I believe) on EITHER getting severely twinked out, or ALWAYS getting in groups in the right areas.

I just don't see how the normal person could create a character here and under the normal circumstances (never any groups that aren't just 3 guild members 2 boxing with a lvl 65 following them around) get level 65 in a month. I'm sure it can be done; I'm also sure that my playstyle just doesn't lend itself to fast leveling, but I've never seen this as a possibility.

If you have a lvl 65 upper-tier-raiding Shaman that you can use to buff/heal between fights/etc, and also lots of raid-dropped droppable lewt from the lower tiers, then yeah, you could do it in a month no problem I'm sure... and much faster if you're able to add to that always getting a full group somehow.
Allielyn said:
If all you did was grind out levels, you could easily be 65 within a month, starting from scratch. If you're hardcore, maybe 2 weeks? I never enjoyed that playstyle, myself, but if that's what you want there you have it.
I was 65 within a month and a half, and thats just because I... knew how to xp. I didn't spend much time doing quests with gear i'd replace quickly, and I didn't want to spend a lot of time farming PP given how much i knew that would be easier at +1 more level. I didn't do a single adept my first time around. I really don't regret it, and that character, to this day, is still progressing. To experience some of the other stuff of SoD, I've made another character thats pretty involved in some of the noob quests, and has done a lot of that stuff, including adepts.

so, yeah, its totally possible, and its possible w/o twinking. i thought it was fun, though I don't know that everyone would.
It varies to a large degree. I would just enjoy the trip upward if I were you. There is plenty of fun content that isnt 65 only.
This shards thing looks pretty cool. I'm convincing myself its okay to play this temporarily, as it somehow may be less addictive and time consuming than other MMORPGS? (its just an excuse for myself).

As just any other MMORPG, it's just about what you bring in. If you like it, and you are the kind to be addicted, it will be addictive.
I have been a game addict before, I keep myself from being one now because I just don't want that anymore, not because SoD isn't good enough for that ;).
Anyways, SoD is a good game, run by competent people, and I bet you'll see it soon :).
When you download the ETN trial, they put "eqgame" or something along those lines in your file folder. Open that, and it will patch to Live.
I'm new (first post) and had a question 'cause my friend got my wires crossed. This an EverQuest 1 EMU server right? It's not about EQ2...
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