Hey there, I'm new to sod, haven't even played everquest in years.. ive been too busy with world of warcraft, but I recently hjeard of this server from a friend.. he didnt tell me anything about it, other than it was free, but from what ive read so far it sounds like it should be agreat experience.
Im just hoping I wont be the only low level on the server, cause levelling from lvl 1 isnt bad but when ya gotta do it alone, well.. yeah
Not quite sure what im gonna do yet, debating a paladin or shadowknight (more than likely ill go with shadowknight) but also thinking a pure healer would be fun.. so i might go cleric or druid, as well.. well, I have more than enough time to contemplate it while I wait for this accursed patch to finish =)
A few quesiton I have, I read in the rules that they still hold gm events, about how frequently do they occur? or do they even happen anymore?
Also, are there a decent number of player/guilds on the server? cause a free eq server is no good if there aren't others to play with, y'know? And im also wondering, the start page said to patch all the way up to LDoN, does the server support patches past that, or no? If so, i might like toc heck out some of the newer expansions, the last I played on eqlive was Gates of discord.. wasnt a very big fan of berserkers though.
And one last thing.. the starting guide linked to yet ANOTHER startup guide that it said I should read.. so I checked the link and it gave me some lame error, heres what ittreads:
Not Found
The requested URL /forums/viewtopic.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the req
anyhow, i look forward to adventuring with all of you, farrewell!
Im just hoping I wont be the only low level on the server, cause levelling from lvl 1 isnt bad but when ya gotta do it alone, well.. yeah
Not quite sure what im gonna do yet, debating a paladin or shadowknight (more than likely ill go with shadowknight) but also thinking a pure healer would be fun.. so i might go cleric or druid, as well.. well, I have more than enough time to contemplate it while I wait for this accursed patch to finish =)
A few quesiton I have, I read in the rules that they still hold gm events, about how frequently do they occur? or do they even happen anymore?
Also, are there a decent number of player/guilds on the server? cause a free eq server is no good if there aren't others to play with, y'know? And im also wondering, the start page said to patch all the way up to LDoN, does the server support patches past that, or no? If so, i might like toc heck out some of the newer expansions, the last I played on eqlive was Gates of discord.. wasnt a very big fan of berserkers though.
And one last thing.. the starting guide linked to yet ANOTHER startup guide that it said I should read.. so I checked the link and it gave me some lame error, heres what ittreads:
Not Found
The requested URL /forums/viewtopic.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the req
anyhow, i look forward to adventuring with all of you, farrewell!