Hello All - New Player/Old EQ Player


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings All,

I played EQ for 7 Years Starting in 2000. As you can guess i haven't played in awhile. From what i have read on the forums I have to have Gates of Discord and lower for expansions. Since that is the only disc I seem unable to find atm. I have renewed my account with EQ and I am currently downloading all the Expansions I have online * up too Depths of Darkhollows ish * if I remember right.

Guess my first quest is > is that enough expansions to have in order to play on Shards? I think I can figure out how to DL the patcher and install it with the tips from the Forums.

Looking forward to playing again actually, cannot wait till the DL is done so I can get too patching. Glad to hear we can dual log 2 accounts atta time, will help leveling alot I think. Now to just decide what 2 classes to dual log > Think I might go SK/Druid Combo or SK/Cleric or SK/Shaman or blah idk lol.

Look forward to getting online asap.

Depths of Darkhollow is more than enough - in fact it will include the updated textures which in my opinion make the game look much nicer.

Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself.
WEEEEEEEEE 1/2 way done the download /blah. So I have been reading forum posts and I believe you have changed somethings to the main game from the original EQ.

Is there anything I should look out for?

Thanks in Advance!
Differences_between_SoD and live will help. Think of it as an homage to the game @ Kunark, but not a slavish copy of it.

Shadowknights and all the priests are pretty damn wonderful. BTW, Druids have been modified into a hot healer at 65 simply because the class's healing speed is made redundant by clerics quick heal in higher tier raids. It might sound odd but having boxed a druid through 9 tiers of content and still playing one occasionally at T10. It's a really nice change.
Now if only I could get the sodpatcher to work properly for me. I started a thread http://forum.shardsofdalaya.com/showthread.php?t=23053 if anyone could help out would be great.

I just don't understand ..... I followed the steps, and when i redirect the patcher to the same place that i put it in originally *EQFiles* says that my eqgame.exe is not there. Sorry very fustrating cause not a huge computer know how to guy.

Thanks in advance
Depths of Darkhollow is more than enough - in fact it will include the updated textures which in my opinion make the game look much nicer.
Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself.

o rly?? :psyduck: How much better do they look? I may have to pick this up
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