Happy Admin B-day


Dalayan Adventurer
Just wanted to wish Waldoff and Allielyn happy birthday! Saw it was both of ya, thought I would do a combine.

Everyone gets some Cupcakes to help celebrate!


And what birthday is without a card! Sorry no gift, but my transportation pad is broken, not enough dark matter.
Not my birthday =-p but happy birthday Allielyn!

It is a remnant from when I was changing my birthday everyday to the day it was. No one ever even noticed.
Not my birthday =-p but happy birthday Allielyn!

It is a remnant from when I was changing my birthday everyday to the day it was. No one ever even noticed.

This is the most complicated way you could have said, "I made every day my birthday."

Happy b-day allie I hope your house got you a present!
Actually, the wild blackberries in my backyard just came on in force, so I guess it kinda did!

I don't know if I ought to be jealous or feel sorry for you. I've been combating those in my yard and it is a monumental task.
I don't know if I ought to be jealous or feel sorry for you. I've been combating those in my yard and it is a monumental task.


try this, should get the weeds out...as well as other unwanted life forms in the near vicinity. Also happy belated Bday Alli!
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