
Where does Headcruncher come from? I don't believe I've ever seen one from a tmap, and I've done a LOT of tmaps.

Congrats on solving the puzzle!! That's pretty awesome!
Seen kilamajig awhile back, so someone figured it out awhile back.

TBH we need more item lore, even if it doesn't lead to some quest or combine. Item lore on new items had been reduced to repeating the Item name on things such as in prison, to simply being a period "Item Lore: .".
Items from prison, if any items, demand some kind of blurb relating to lore.
Im glad it actually had something to be combined , the item(Name really) is nice.

:( sucks that the item is a war drop though, wtb another massive invasion.
I remember TM linking killamajig teasingly when the War was new, might be where you saw it Iae ;p

Also: item lore is a pain in the ass, if only because you can't even fit 2 sentences most of the time. Nothing meaningful is gonna fit in there, and we have better things to do than add "This baton screams with a thousand unborn voices" to Screamstrike or whatever.
Ah true, that's prob it. Sorry to stifle the thunder.

I'm not asking for novels, something simple would be cool and not make you feel like the spell is completely worthless
Ah true, that's prob it. Sorry to stifle the thunder.

I'm not asking for novels, something simple would be cool and not make you feel like the spell is completely worthless

its basically as zaela said, it's generally not worth it

every single war drop does have an ID message, so there's that
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