Frost Seal


Dalayan Master
Could a GM/Dev please confirm this is still dropping as intended? I spent the afternoon killing those skels, and saw a half dozen each of the venom, flame, and force seals, but not one single frost seal. If I had a legion of necro, mage, and enc alts.. I'd be giddy I guess, but I don't :(
Seems strange the wizzy seal would be so much rarer than the rest.
Could a GM/Dev please confirm this is still dropping as intended? I spent the afternoon killing those skels, and saw a half dozen each of the venom, flame, and force seals, but not one single frost seal. If I had a legion of necro, mage, and enc alts.. I'd be giddy I guess, but I don't :(
Seems strange the wizzy seal would be so much rarer than the rest.

Terrible bad luck, keep trying bro.
This game can be like that sometimes. Then you hear people say stuff like, "yeah we had 3 seals rot last night" and "oh we just got 2 HPs before you got here :("
I managed to get one to drop earlier this week for my wizard. It definitely seemed more rare than the others - but items always look that way when it's the one you need. Same concept as "my keys were the last placed I looked."
I finally did get the seal, but not before I got another 3-4 of each other seal first. The drop rate certainly needs to be looked at.
Really? Just crazy luck that I saw about 10 of each of the others before the frost finally dropped? Crazy weird.
I promise you, all 4 have a 25% chance to drop (in relation to one another, I didn't bother checking the odds ANY one of them will drop in relation to the other things on the loot table). The RNG hates you, and wants you to know that.
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