Freeze at the seizure warning


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings All. I've installed EQ and SoD on my little brother's computer (this seems to be a new trend among forum members). The patcher runs fine and the game seems to start up without any trouble. However, when it goes to the full screen, if I try to click on the "accept" button under the seizure warning, the game freezes. Sometimes the button registers a click, but if so, the arrow changes back to the Windows default, and I can't click on anything else. Also, the game will not continue to next the part, probably the Agreement page, even if I do manage to click on the button. If I hit ctrl-alt-delete, the little window comes up behind the game, and if I manage to grab it, I can actually wipe the game of my screen by dragging the ctrl-alt-delete window around. Any ideas?

Well since its posted, oh I don't know how many times really, in various threads. Searching should have yielded the answer you seek. When you run SoD patcher, click advanced and uncheck EQW. problem solved, search next time. :brow:
Hikaratu, thank you for your reply. I apologize, upon further examination there are indeed similar posts. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. Have a lovely Holiday.
It helps considerablly to have nothing open other than SoD.

SoD patcher, advanced, uncheck EQW.

If that does not work, click the screen once with the white arrow.

Then alt+tab, wiggle the mouse. You should have control not only of the white windows arrow but also the grey game arrow. Only the grey game arrow can control the game. It usually hides in the top left corner, but can be anywhere.

Continue clicking Alt+tab until you gain control of the grey game arrow.

Use the game arrow to hit next.

The first time you start the game, you get the siezure notice... sometimes you have to restart the Atl+Tab and clicking process after the siezure notice because you lose control of the grey arrow, having only the white.

This is a bug in the EQ client, not exactly a SoD bug. I am uncertain what part EQW plays, but I am unable to ever gain control when EQW is active. Others do not have this difficulty.
I found that when I switched my Everquest.exe, eqgame.exe, and optionseditor.exe files compatablity to Win98/WinME (I'm running XP) that this clears up any problems. Just another thought.

(The fourms change my text, so basically if you open your Game directory and find all the "application" type files and turn the compatability to Win98, it usually is a pretty good fix, not to mention you can use EQW now too, lol)
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