Forsaken Bank

Need all these.

/tell Ryei in game. or PM me on boards.


Talok's Taunting Echoes [64]
Disposement [65]
Til's Intervening Enchantment [65]

PS:. not buying those not too usefull spells for the price listed (1k/1,5k) , if you wanna contact me so we can lower that price, PST.
Please send to Tarutao:

Major Concussion [61]
Mass Relocation: Everfrost [63]
Thazeran's Planar Shift [63]
Mass Relocation: Faentharc [64]
Burning Spear of Tarhyl [65]
Tears of the Void [65]

Good thing I already did my SoD christmas shopping... now I'm going to be broke :toot:
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