Farewell (For Sure this Time)


Dalayan Beginner
Farewell to Dalaya!

My time after 7 plus years of Game is done, I can no longer hold the weight of my staff, needle and thread, or jewelcrafter’s hammer any longer.

To my Chaotic Winds guildmates, thank you for making my time in the raiding game very enjoyable. I got to see some things that I wouldn’t have without you. You guys will be missed by me.

To my other friends and wayward traveling companions, thanks for the many memories.

To those that supplied Tressee and bought from her and you know who you are, thank you for your kindness and respect. Sidenote – Chaotic Winds (Xardon) is now the owner operator of Tressee Enterprises.

Be safe and fight the good fight!

Sad to see you go, later man.

PS let me go ahead and be the first to ask if i can have your gear, thanks!
Cya Aillar, I only got to chat with ya a bit, but I enjoyed that. Too bad we didn't get more chances to play together.

Very sad to see you go my friend. I enjoyed the time we raided and grouped together, with you and your family. If you ever change your mind, make sure you pull a Tapein and come out of retirement. We'll only harass you half as much.

I'm sure we'll be in touch out of game, farewell to you and your family.
Aww I'm just now finding this one...

Imma miss you. Lots. It was good times "back in the day," however few there were.

Take care of you.
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