Failed to Update Graphics DLL


Dalayan Beginner
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.95 at 02/20/15 - 13:07:21
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Documents and Settings\user\Datos de programa\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Unable to copy file C:\Archivos de programa\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8_new.dll to C:\Archivos de programa\Sony\EverQuest\EQGfx_Dx8.dll. Make sure you don't have another client running.

I needed to reinstall SoD. I uninstalled the game and deleted the Sony folder, then reinstalled EQ Titanium. I went to the home page start guide to get a clean copy of the patcher and downloaded it from the start guide. I placed it inside of my Sony folder, and when I tried to patch I keep getting this message. This is the "View Log"-- What am I doing wrong?
Are you trying to use the graphics fix? I assume so based on this but wanted to make sure
No. Graphics fix is disabled. I am just trying to patch the game so I can log on. It occurred to me just now to try selecting "Repatch All". I will go try this and let you know what happens
That seemed to have fixed it. I was able to patch and log in. Thanks for the reply and sorry to bother.
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