Faction and Diety Problem


Dalayan Elder
Alright, im back from taking a year break to find two major problems on my main character, Shadamir

the first problem being when i returned, i found three of my giant faction items gone, and scowls to giants. before i retired, i was ally with giants. i only recall two of the items, Malicious Scepter and the port neck, the other item missing was in my shoulder slot but for the life of me i can't recall what it was.

the second problem is that before the lands of magic blew up and we had the voices of the dieties in shadowhaven, i pledged to Gradalsh or that disease diety just for kicks. now that something was actually implimented into the game about dieties, i would like to change my diety to Sivyana (as i don't want to be associated with a diety that spreads disease).

petitioned about these two topics sepertly and was directed here by a gm so if this is the wrong forum or format, im apologizing in advance.
I'm not sure if you read up on or were made aware of it, but not too long ago a faction bound system was put in game where certain items will crumble to dust (poof) when your faction drops below a certain point. If you left the game with ally faction I'm not sure how that could have happened....

As for pledging to a god, it was stated in another thread that when all the dieties go in there will be a wipe so to speak, where you will be able to start off with a clean slate.
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