Everything goes slowmo


Dalayan Beginner
I was running an HP dv6000 with geforce go 6150 and am now having the same problem with an HP dv9000 geforce go 7600. Every so often, especially if the laptop has been playing SOD for a while, everything will go slow motion. It's not like the dual core bug where stuff tweaks out or speeds up and slows down. This just goes slow. After 10 or so seconds, it resumes normal speed and but if I'm running or fighting or anything, no progress is lost. I won't jump forward to where I would have been had I not been slowmo. And in combat, extra damage won't appear. If the fight goes from slowmo to normal speed, the mob will just start taking everyone's damage at normal speed. Like nothing happened.

This never used to happen and does not happen on my single core desktop on the same wireless internet connection.

The character select screen will sometimes go slow mo, too. SoD is the only thing that goes slowmo. Eve doesn't, CS doesn't, movies don't, etc.
Have you set your laptop to run at high performance? Sometimes it's set to save power, and that's what happens.
Yeah, it's already set at high performance. The issue is that it is happening on BOTH of my laptop motherboards (same comp, different motherboards). Though, it happens a lot less with the new upgraded motherboard.

Someone suggested a memory leak. Anyone know how to check/fix that for a specific game?
Someone's got to have an idea on how to fix this, or at least what causes it on two separate, laptops with totally different MBs and video cards.
Hi, I have the exact same problem with my laptop. I've read all I can find about this problem, it seems to have been around for several years, but none of the proposed solutions work for me. From what I've gathered, EQ has a problem with some laptops with dual processors. I run vista with the slowdown problem, but my brother's laptop runs windows 7 and he has no problem. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Anyway it is a very frustrating problem making some classes unplayable. I can't run away from mobs, I can't keep up on autofollow, speed spells like Spirit of Wolf do nothing. It goes from running perfectly for like 15 seconds to slowing down for 15 seconds then back over and over and over. I've tried all of the laptop power settings and messed with EQPlayNice, but nothing I have done has made a difference. I feel your pain and any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I had this problem on my old Dell laptop years ago, it was EQPlayNice that was causing the slowdown. Once I stopped using it the problem went away, and of course I also had to disable Intel SpeedStep technology in my BIOS as well.
Ive heard there is no speedstep or anything on the amd bios. Does anyone know of a program that will do it?
AMD's version of Intel's SpeedStep is called PowerNow, so if you see an option for that disable it.
Do you actually have it on your lap?

If you're not already doing it, play it on a flat surface.

It's generally a bad idea I found out playing on overnights on the couch. Heat caused maaassssivvve slowdown, and graphics bugging out etc. Get yourself a temperature monitor and check it out.
Ok, I figured it out. It's due to my video card overheating. I went to the local Wal*Mart and bought a pad made by Swiss for about $35 and whenever I run the laptop on it, I get absolutely NO slowmo. Otherwise, it slows down all of the time. The coolpad kinda allows for twoboxing but once in a while it will slow down.

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